Accession: 009.07.005
Editorial Title: John L. S. Roberts to Mary Baker Eddy, May 2, 1883
Author: John L. S. Roberts 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: May 2, 1883
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by John L. S. Roberts on lined stationery of the Hotel Lafayette, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Editorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy's attorney for the Eddy v. Arens lawsuit, John L. S. Roberts, has received her letter (not extant) dated April 27, 1883. It was forwarded to him in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he has been working on another legal case. He will finish there on May 3, spend one day in New York City, and then be back in Boston. He writes that nothing further can be done on the Eddy v. Arens case until May 7. He assures Eddy that she has not been forgotten and that he recognizes the importance of her lawsuit. He looks forward to seeing her after he returns to Boston.
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