Accession: 043.14.061
Editorial Title: Mary Ann Cook Baker to Calvin A. Frye, February 4, 1902
Author: Mary Ann Cook Baker 
Recipient: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: February 4, 1902
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Ann Cook Baker on lined paper from Dorchester, Massachusetts.
Related Topic: L13955Digital document L13955 not available
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
C. A. Frye SecretaryAs Written:Sec.
Dear Mr Frye,

Yours of the 24th instEditorial Note: See L13955. duly receivedAs Written:recd. Not been able to write you, and fear I cannot do you much good, on statistics of Dr Quimby, I cannot say certainly what year Mrs Eddy consulted him, but to the best of my ability at this late date, think it about 1864As Written:'64 or 1865As Written:'65.

Was told she was with him about 3 weeks, the result being, that he decided her case one of mental, not physical disease; This the "first time she saw him confirming him in this opinion, as the weeks passed. I have the impression he was not a christian man, and talked more of spiritualism, hypnotism than As Written: then of spiritual realities. Understood he was what is called a thorough Quack, Money his object, and willing to delude his patients to obtain it. Remember how she was at the time of leaving us for PortlandEditorial Note: Portland, Maine, had to dress her one article of dress, at a time and allowing her to rest, before proceeding further so feeble did she feel. Husband and the driver helped her into the carriage, to convey her to the wharf for the night boat. Did not leave her alone an instant till we landed on the Boat, The Stewardess helped me care for her, for a time.

Don't As Written: Dont believe this will do you any good, but hope it may help out,

She does not need any such procedure As Written: proceedure now, God bless her, and give her the largest, possible growth in health, of body, in unfolding of soul, and a reaching out for diviner, enlargement, in the taking on of the heavenly life, while living in the earthly,

Much love to her, my precious sister, my dearest all!–
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
C. A. Frye Sec.Expanded:Secretary
Dear Mr Frye,

Yours of the 24th instEditorial Note: See L13955. duly recdExpanded:received. Not been able to write you, and fear I cannot do you much good, on statistics of Dr Quimby, I cannot say certainly what year Mrs Eddy consulted him, but to the best of my ability at this late date, think it about '64Expanded:1864 or '65Expanded:1865.

Wast told she was with him about 3 weeks, the result being, that he decided her case one of mental, not physical disease; This the "first time she saw him confirming him in this opinion, as the weeks passed. I have the impression he was not a christian man, and talked more of spiritualism, hypnotism then Corrected: than of spiritual realities. Understood he was what is called a thorough Quack, Money his object, and willing to delude his patients to obtain it. Remember how she was at the time of leaving us for PortlandEditorial Note: Portland, Maine, had to dress her one article of dress, at a time and allowing her to rest, before proceeding further so feeble did she feel. Husband and the driver helped her into the carriage, to convey her to the wharf for the night boat. Did not leave her alone an instant till we landed on the Boat, The Stewardess helped me care for her, for a time.

Dont Corrected: Don't believe this will do you any good, but hope it may help out,

She does not need any such proceedure Corrected: procedure now, God bless her, and give her the largest, possible growth in health, of body, in unfolding of soul, and a reaching out for diviner, enlargement, in the taking on of the heavenly life, while living in the earthly,

Much love to her, my precious sister, my dearest all!–
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Dorchester, Massachusetts See L13955. Portland, Maine