I gladly and gratefully accept yourAs Written:yr kind invitation, for the Communion service and to call upon you= I sail on the 5th June for N YorkEditorial Note: New York, New York and go straight to the Copley SquareAs Written:Sqre Hotel BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts=
The dear MillersEditorial Note: William N. Miller and Frederica L. Miller and Lady Ramsay sail on the 5th I hope you will be able to see the latter, she will gladden yourAs Written:yr heart– she is in earnest, and reliable Mother dear could you ask her to join the class. it wouldAs Written:wd be a help to the work in Scotland= Our work here is greatly prospering: the Channels for error getting beautifully less= Mother dear surely the worst is over for you, and you must reap the reward of your faithful, unselfish labors= The KingEditorial Note: King Edward VII and QueenEditorial Note: Queen Alexandria are beginning to look into Christian ScienceAs Written:C S! Much love to your dear self and household=