Accession: 060B.17.003
Editorial Title: George B. Day and Orrilla W. Day to Mary Baker Eddy, April 18, 1886
Author: George B. Day  Orrilla W. Day 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: April 18, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by George B. Day on embossed lined paper from Oak Park, Illinois.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

We are home again from attendance upon your April Course of Lectures. Our first impulse is in the orthodox fashion to "give thanks," Your exposition of Christian Science was so clear and forcible as to produce Connection, and so much in harmony with the Sacred Scriptures that we are sure no nearer approximation to the truth of Revelation was ever before presented.

Of the positiveness of good and the unreality of evil we shall ever remain Convinced

Truly yours.
Geo, B. Day
Mrs O W, Day
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

We are home again from attendance upon your April Course of Lectures. Our first impulse is in the orthodox fashion to "give thanks," Your exposition of Christian Science was so clear and forcible as to poroduce Connection, and so much in harmony with the Sacred Scriptures that we are sure no nearer approximation to the truth of Revelation was ever before presented.

Of the positiveness of good and the unreality of evil we shall ever remain Convinced

Truly yours.
Geo, B. Day
Mrs O W, Day
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