Accession: 114.22.005
Editorial Title: Ellen Latham Clarke to Mary Baker Eddy, June 7, 1883
Author: Ellen Latham Clarke 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: June 7, 1883
Manuscript Description: Handwritten in pencil by Ellen Latham Clarke from Burlington, Vermont.
Editorial Note: Clarke is responding to a letter (not extant) she has received from Mary Baker Eddy. She writes that she gets impatient at times that there are people who cannot see any truth in Christian Science. She can't blame them, as she sometimes has doubts herself. However, she finds that they do not gain much lodgement in her thought once she remembers that there is only one way and that we must follow wherever the way leads, even with bleeding footsteps. Clarke also writes of the beautiful lake and mountains that surround her in Burlington, Vermont, which represent God's nature to her. Clarke wishes she could attend Eddy's lectures and would like to have a private meeting with Eddy when she returns to Boston, but she realizes that Eddy is very busy. She closes by sending kind regards to Eddy from her husband and herself.
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