Accession: 120.22.006
Editorial Title: Alice B. Poole to Mary Baker Eddy, August 20, 1884
Author: Alice B. Poole 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: August 20, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Alice B. Poole from Gardiner, Maine.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Teacher

Your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. was received, and I was so pleased to hear from you, I read and reread it till I had it by heart. it did me lots of good. I miss so much the ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists and your influence and the many new thoughts and ideas coming up. and the Sunday talks and Students meetings. I feel quite alone in my work at times, tis then my thoughts turn to you, and I try to remember your instructions and teachings. and the many things you have said to me, and put them into my daily life. I want come up to Boston before commencing my work for the Winter, and come to the College and spend four or five hours every day if only to be in the Atmosphere of the ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists. and I know it will do me so much good. I know when patients come where I am they tell me it does them good and that they feel my thought. so know if only sitting or being where ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists are I can'tAs Written:cant but feel their thought. am I not right Teacher? you see how much I believe in the power of thought. I have done some splendid work in the past six months, and at times am astonished and because I don'tAs Written:dont see the power of truth work. I find myselfAs Written:my self saying what does it whence comeAs Written:whencecome this unseen power. but taking the thought in its Metaphysical sense I know what it is at times I feel real well. then it'sAs Written:its with great difficulty I can treat a patient. on account of the belief of the spine up in the back of the neck and base of the brain. it'sAs Written:its an old belief. but think I am gradually conquering it. have felt particularly strong against the belief, since receiving your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant., for your letter has lifted me up and at times carries me far out of the mortal thought. how I long for the or even half of the power of thought for good that you have, I know how hard I should have to work to overcomeAs Written:over come all these little mortal thoughts. and I do dear Teacher fight oh so hard against all beliefs of sickness. and Sin. it'sAs Written:its harder to and contend against beliefs of sickness than anythingAs Written:any thing else. and the belief that I have told you about is the hardest of anythingAs Written:any thing to want to disappear. every other way am perfectly well. and as I told you think & know I am gradually overcomingAs Written:over coming that, how I long to see you, I want to talk with you. will be up to Boston next month. please tell Mr Frye I have $24.00Editorial Note: $24.00 in 1884 is the equivalent of $664.53 in 2017. for him when I come up. I want to tell you my plans for the Winter. I think I have been here long enough. the place is small. and have healed about 165 patients. and want to go now into a larger field. I will close now.

remember me to all, and love to yourself. and hoping to see you soon I am your Student
Alice B. Poole
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Teacher

Your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. was received, and I was so pleased to hear from you, I read and reread it till I had it by heart. it did me lots of good. I miss so much the ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists and your influence and the many new thoughts and ideas coming up. and the Sunday talks and Students meetings. I feel quite alone in my work at times, tis then my thoughts turn to you, and I try to remember your instructions and teachings. and the many things you have said to me, and put them into my daily life. I want come up to Boston before commencing my work for the Winter, and come to the College and spend four or five hours every day if only to be in the Atmosphere of the ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists. and I know it will do me so much good. I know when patients come where I am they tell me it does them good and that they feel my thought. so know if only sitting or being where ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists are I cantCorrected:can't but feel their thought. am I not right Teacher? you see how much I believe in the power of thought. I have done some splendid work in the past six months, and at times am astonished and because I dontCorrected:don't see the power of truth work. I find my selfCorrected:myself saying what does it whencecomeCorrected:whence come this unseen power. but taking the theAs Written:the thought in its Metaphysical sense I know what it is at times I feel real well. then itsCorrected:it's with great difficulty I can treat a patient. on account of the but belief of the spine up in the back of the neck and base of the brain. itsCorrected:it's an old belief. but think I am gradually conquering it. have felt particularly strong against the belief, since receiving your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant., for your letter has lifted me up and at times carries me far out of the mortal thought. how I long for the or even half of the power of thought for good that you have, I know how hard I should have to work to over comeCorrected:overcome all these little mortal thoughts. and I do dear Teacher fight oh so hard against all beliefs of sickness. and Sin. itsCorrected:it's harder to and contend against beliefs of sickness than any thingCorrected:anything else. and the belief that I have told you about is the hardest of any thingCorrected:anything to want to disappear. every other way am perfectly well. and as I told you think & know I am gradually over comingCorrected:overcoming that, how I long to see you, I want to talk with you. will be up to Boston next month. please tell Mr Frye I have $24.00Editorial Note: $24.00 in 1884 is the equivalent of $664.53 in 2017. for him when I come up. I want to tell you my plans for the Winter. I think I have been here long enough. the place is small. and have healed about 165 patients. and want to go now into a larger field. I will close now.

remember me to all, and love to yourself. and hoping to see you soon I am your Student
Alice B. Poole
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Gardiner, Maine This letter is not extant. Christian Scientists Christian Scientists Christian Scientists This letter is not extant. $24.00 in 1884 is the equivalent of $664.53 in 2017.