Accession: 138.23.001
Editorial Title: Rebecca W. Stackpole to Mary Baker Eddy, April 27, 1881
Author: Rebecca W. Stackpole 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: April 27, 1881
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Rebecca W. Stackpole on unlined paper from Boston Highlands, Massachusetts.
Editorial Note: Stackpole writes to ask Eddy if she can send one of her patients, Miss Emma Hall, to see Eddy in Lynn. She says that she introduced Hall to Eddy last Sunday. On their return home, Hall told Stackpole that Eddy told her "she had ought to be well," and that since then, Stackpole says she has refused to treat her as she seemed so indifferent about it. Stackpole writes that the beliefs of some of her patients are "like rivets in marble" and this is challenging her efforts to destroy sin, sickness and death.
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