Accession: 139.23.001
Editorial Title: Lucinda M. Reeves to Mary Baker Eddy, November 8, 1881
Author: Lucinda M. Reeves 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: November 8, 1881
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Lucinda M. Reeves on lined paper from Washington, D.C.
Editorial Note: Reeves is reporting to Eddy that she went to the "Office of Librarian" to ascertain that the copies of Science and Health that Eddy sent had been received and that Science and Health was copyrighted in Eddy's name only. On a previous visit, the clerk had given the name of Asa G. Eddy when asked, and Reeves thinks that the clerk must have mistakenly given the publisher's name. She says she would be glad to have the Eddys in Washington, D.C., and could look for a house or tenement for them. She also mentions some very rainy weather they are having and says that it seems to be affecting her patients, who were doing better before the stormy weather. She mentions that she is reading Science and Health every day. She says that she likes Melinda H. Smith and is looking to move to the part of D.C. where the Smiths live, but she is hoping for some better weather to help her find a place and get moved and settled.
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