Jan. 12th, 82
I was completely "carried away" with a new house the last time I wrote you, before I was able to see the owner he had rented it, and I have been looking to find a place ever since; small houses renting at $25 00Editorial Note: $25 in 1882 is equivalent to $664.62 in 2017. or less that are fit to live in and in a desirable locality are not to be found, large houses at $50 00Editorial Note: $50 in 1882 is equivalent to $1,289.23 in 2017. per. month and upward can be had without much trouble rooms that would be suitable for us will cost as much as a whole house so here I am right where I started from Monday morning, what shall I do? shall I stay where I am until you come? If I see a desirable house at a reasonable rent of course I would take it and move before you come, but I am afraid to pay as high as $50 00Editorial Note: $50 in 1882 is equivalent to $1,289.23 in 2017. unless I know some responsible party who will take a portion of it at once—
A gentleman with a chronic belief of rheumatism has been recommended to come to me, he is a graduate from the Allopathy school—at present a clerk in the War Dep't. I saw him a few minutes today, says he has not taken any medicine in three years and if I will cure him he will pay well—I told him I was house hunting and could not take any new patients until I had moved, he will come to me then.
I have just received your letter of the 11th inst. would you be willing to pay as high as $50 00Editorial Note: $50 in 1882 is equivalent to $1,289.23 in 2017. per. month for rooms and board for you and Doctor? that would pay the rent on a $50 00Editorial Note: $50 in 1882 is equivalent to $1,289.23 in 2017. house I have seen one today in grand location; will inspect it tomorrow I will furnish for you; as I cannot give size of rooms, why not bring whatever carpets you may have—I think that I will look about a little more & finish this tomorrow.
Friday yours of the 12thEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. at hand, we had a snow storm last night and rainy today, but I went out and saw the inside of that $50 00Editorial Note: $50 in 1882 is equivalent to $1,289.23 in 2017. house, one look was enough, I found the walking to be so very bad I came home—I saw a house that the family were just moving out of and went to the owner, they had not delivered up the key, he sent me to them, but the house was already in the hands of a friend of theirs, I tell you this that you may get an idea of how small desirable houses are in demand—I shall keep on looking for I cannot give up the hope of having you here and with me I want to get a house with "Latrobe StovesEditorial Note: The Latrobe stove was a coal-fired heater made of cast iron placed into an existing fireplace as an insert. It was invented by John Hazelhurst Boneval Latrobe.," they are set in the fire place of the lowest floor and heat all the rooms connecting with that chimney and are not so expensive as a furnace & are liked better—if I cannot find a suitable house myself I will look for rooms for you in some first class house, for I can see you if you are here soon as I have something to say I will write again, but I will be sure before, I say that I have a house again.