Accession: 142.23.007
Editorial Title: Alice M. Sibley to Mary Baker Eddy, August 10, 1881
Author: Alice M. Sibley 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: August 10, 1881
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Alice M. Sibley on lined paper from Ipswich, Massachusetts.
Editorial Note: Sibley writes to say how much she values the letter she received from Eddy in her own hand (not extant). Despite her regret at the contents, she was glad to receive it. Sibley asks if she might call on Eddy on her way back to Boston at the end of the week. She says that Eddy only needs to write "Yes" or "No" on the enclosed card and return it. If she's able to visit Eddy, it will alleviate her disappointment that Eddy was not able to come to Ipswich. She assures Eddy that it will be no trouble as it is directly on her way home.
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