Accession: 145.23.020
Editorial Title: H.D. Dexter to Mary Baker Eddy, March 22, 1876
Author: H.D. Dexter 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Unknown 
Date: March 22, 1876
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by H.D. Dexter on lined paper from Dundee, New York, with handwritten edits by Mary Baker Eddy.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation and metamark in an unknown hand.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Madam yours of the 20thEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. asking if I receivedAs Written:recd your reply to my letter requesting you to heal My daughter I did receive it and was sorely grieved As Written: glieved at the refusal as I supposed it could be done in a Moment of time

But I have since learned better and am entirely satisfied with your explanation and will let the past take care of itself and look to the future I am studying Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and hope to be ready to join the Class when you get another If I can overcomeAs Written:over come belief of life in matter and master the Science of being I shall treat the Sick you may rest assured of that for I am anxious to go about the work (your Book Science & Health is the Most Wonderful As Written: Wonderfull work that has been written in the past 5000 years I wish you could get $10Editorial Note: $10 in 1876 is the equivalent of $273.51 in 2022., per Copy As Written: Coppy I am of the opinion I can heal the sick from the Book.) But perhaps I could succeed better by your instruction also As Written: allso gain time by it I am satisfied I can lose As Written: loose nothing by studying the book until As Written: untill there is another As Written: anothe class formed I realize the trials persecution and sufferings of living the life that is required for the work I know I must bear the Cross but I feel strong and have no fear of those that have no God With them I have demonstrated in a number of instances (I have cured myself of chronic As Written: cronic disease of long standing reading the book alsoAs Written:allso acuteAs Written:accute inflammation As Written: inflamation of the eyes and feel encouraged to strive on to success conclusion (I Sympathize with you in the trying and thankless tasks in which you seem to be so well fitted for) It is hopeful As Written: hopefull your future may be less trying and more encouraging As Written: encourageing as you look beyond to the crown that you may certainly look for if you make and keep the body immortal

I hope you will pardon me for intruding upon your time and let me remain

Yours Truly
H Dexter

[*]Archival Note: The following text was later added to the document by another annotator, disrupting the surrounding thought. Handshift:Unknown Begin here [*]Archival Note: End floating text.

Handshift:H. D. DexterIf the Book ScienceAs Written:Sciene & Life does not awaken the Rip Van Winkles out of their long sleep it will seem to be almost As Written: allmost useless to put on the armor As Written: armour of Truth Life and Love and Battle against Death Sickness & Sin [*]Archival Note: A metamark that looks like an X appears at this point in the manuscript. But for myself I intend to Buckle on the BreastplateAs Written:Breast plate and learn to do my duty I shall sell all the Books I can for I think I know they will turn many a sinning As Written: sining Mortal to the Science of being I am satisfied that Soul is Sufficient for all of Mans needs H, D,

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Madam yours of the 20thEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. asking if I recdExpanded:received your reply to my letter requesting you to heal My daughter I did receive it and was solrely glieved Corrected: grieved at the refusal as I supposed it could be done in a Moment of time

But I have since learned better and am entirely satisfied with your explanation and will let the past take care of itself and look to the future I am studying Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and hope to be ready to join the Class when you get another If I can over comeCorrected:overcome belief of life in matter and master the Science of being I shall treat the Sick you may rest assuired of that for I am anxious to go about the work (your Book Science & Health is the Most Wonderfull Corrected: Wonderful work that has been extant written in the past 5000 years I wish you could get $10Editorial Note: $10 in 1876 is the equivalent of $273.51 in 2022., per Coppy Corrected: Copy I am of the opinion I can heal the sick from the Book.) But perhaps I could succeed better by your instruction allso Corrected: also gain time by it I am satisfied I can loose Corrected: lose nothing by studying the book untill Corrected: until there [?] Unclear or illegible  is anothe Corrected: another class formed I real [?] Unclear or illegible ize the trials persecution and sufferings of living the life th [?] Unclear or illegible at is required for the work I know I must b [?] Unclear or illegible ear the Cross but I feel strong and have no fear of those that have no gGod With them I have demonstrated in a number of instances (I have cured myself of cronic Corrected: chronic disease of long standing reading the book allsoCorrected:also [?] Unclear or illegible  for an accuteCorrected:acute inflamation Corrected: inflammation of the eyes and feel encouraged to strive on to success conclusion (I Sympathize with you in the trying and thankless tasks in which you seem to be so well fitted for) It is hopefull Corrected: hopeful your future may be less trying and more encourageing Corrected: encouraging as you look beyond to the crown that you may certainly look for if you make and keep the body immortal

I hope you will pardon me for intruding upon your time and let me remain

Yours Truly
H Dexter

[*]Archival Note: The following text was later added to the document by another annotator, disrupting the surrounding thought. Handshift:Unknown Begin here [*]Archival Note: End floating text.

Handshift:H. D. DexterIf the Book ScieneCorrected:Science & Life does not awaken the Rip Van Winkles out of their long sleep it will seem to be allmost Corrected: almost useless to put on the armour Corrected: armor of Truth Life and Love and Battle against Death Sickness & Sin [*]Archival Note: A metamark that looks like an X appears at this point in the manuscript. But for myself I intend to Buckle on the Breast plateCorrected:Breastplate and learn to do my duty I shall sell all the Books I can for I think I know they will turn many a sining Corrected: sinning Mortal to the Science of being I am satisfied that Soul is Sufficient for all of Man [?] Unclear or illegible s needs H, D,

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Dundee, New York This letter is not extant. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy $10 in 1876 is the equivalent of $273.51 in 2022. The following text was later added to the document by another annotator, disrupting the surrounding thought. End floating text. A metamark that looks like an X appears at this point in the manuscript.