Accession: 146.23.014
Editorial Title: James Ackland to Asa Gilbert Eddy, December 30, 1880
Author: James Ackland 
Recipient: Asa Gilbert Eddy 
Date: December 30, 1880
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by James Ackland on lined paper from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Editorial Note: Ackland says that he has received and appreciated Asa Gilbert Eddy's letter of November 27, 1880 (L16169Click link to view L16169 document in new window). He has delayed writing because he has been very busy and has been working late. Eddy had asked about Ackland's practice of Christian Science, and Ackland details some of his challenges in finding patients. Ackland says that when he arrived there on "October the last," he felt that if he could get right into the Christian Science practice, he would drop his profession of printing. However, all of his efforts to follow up with individuals who'd expressed interest in Christian Science treatment hadn't led to Christian Science practice work. Ackland details some of these struggles, such as a patient who was well before Ackland arrived, another patient who felt that health food was the source of his recovery instead of Ackland's treatments, and a man who decided not to be treated after he read Eddy's lecture on the Atonement, which he found very upsetting. Ackland writes that he was not discouraged, but the best season for printing was at hand, so he "pitched in" on that. He sent some pamphlets to a patient of his in Canada, and he expects to hear from that patient soon. Ackland acknowledges that what he has reported will not satisfy Asa Gilbert Eddy, but he can't help that at present. He comments briefly on some cards he printed for the Eddys (L016168Digital document L016168 not available). Ackland asks Asa Gilbert Eddy to give his regards to Mary Baker Eddy. He is returning a large copy of Science and Health he's been using and asks for a new copy of the same edition. Ackland asks that Eddy excuse him for not writing a longer letter on this "zero night," and sends greetings from himself and from "Father Time."
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