Accession: 163A.27.004
Editorial Title: Ellen Brown Linscott to Mary Baker Eddy, January 12, 1885
Author: Ellen Brown Linscott 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: January 12, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Ellen Brown Linscott on lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher

I sent you a telegramEditorial Note: This telegram is not extant. Friday eve-last, and intended to write immediately, but every time I’ve attempted to, someone As Written: some one has come in to interrupt me but this morning will do so at any cost. I enclose Mrs Philbrick’s answerEditorial Note: This letter is not extant., so you can see for yourself how she feels. The students I’ve seen and talked with, all want to take the course, and intend to sometime As Written: some time , but say they cannot leave now, though they all would like to if possible, Bradford Sherman seems to be the only one who would go now, except Mrs. Colman. They did not all give me their reasons for not being able to go now. One of the students started the idea that perhaps you would remain long enough when you came here, to teach a Normal Class, and told me to ask you. You could get at least six if here. I have seven students who want to study and I will keep them for you – when you come, You said you would come if I would get you some nice Students so I have. They will all stand too, if they study I feel sure.

Now as to myself As Written: my self , I have at present some very important cases on my hands which will be of great benefit to the CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science when brought out, so I would rather not go now. I have quite a reputation in healing, throughout the West and in Chicago, so have a practice among the best families here, And your name is a household word among all my patients as well as mine for they either buy the booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. when they begin treatment or later and take the Journal, in many cases. A young lady came to me who was told by the best doctors in this country, and in London & Paris, Europe, that she had heart disease, and could not be cured. She is now perfectly well. I could tell you of a great many other cases of mine but will spare you. Notwithstanding all that I have had to meet, both since I’ve taken a leading part in the AssociationEditorial Note: Ellen Brown Linscott was a officer in the Chicago branch of the Christian Scientist Association., and before my cases get well, and do not relapse, so I know I heal in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. I advised the students to elect someone As Written: some one else, but one of them said to me privately, “Miss Brown you are the only one who can stand it”. I am going to write something for the next paper. Many thanks for you and I hope As Written: hop you always will count me your dear, I would rather be your dear than anyone As Written: any one I know. Please excuse this hasty note.

Dearest won’t you please write to Alice Poole? I am disappointed in Mrs. Coleman too much talk, and too little work – Don’t please tell anyone As Written: any one I say so.

Your loving student
E. Brown
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher

I sent you a telegramEditorial Note: This telegram is not extant. Friday eve-last, and intended to write immediately, but every time I’ve attempted to, some one Corrected: someone has come in to interrupt me but this morning will do so at any cost. I enclose Mrs Philbrick’s answerEditorial Note: This letter is not extant., so you can see for yourself how she feels. The students I’ve seen and talked with, all want to take the course, and intend to some time Corrected: sometime , but say they cannot leave now, though they all would like to if possible, Bradford Sherman seems to be the only one who would go now, except Mrs. Colman. They did not all give me their reasons for not being able to go now. One of the students started the idea that perhaps you would remain long enough when you came here, to teach a Normal Class, and told me to ask you. You could get at least six if here. I have seven students who want to study and I will keep them for you – when you come, You said you would come if I would get you some nice Students so I have. They will all stand too, if they study I feel sure.

Now as to my self Corrected: myself , I have at present some very important cases on my hands which will be of great benefit to the CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science when brought out, so I would rather not go now. I have quite a reputation in healing, throughout the West and in Chicago, so have a practice among the best families here, And your name is a household word among all my patients as well as mine for they either buy the booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. when they begin treatment or later and take the Journal, in many cases. A young lady came to me who was told by the best doctors in this country, and in London & Paris, Europe, that she had heart disease, and could not be cured. She is now perfectly well. I could tell you of a great many other cases of mine but will spare you. Notwithstanding all that I have had to meet, both since I’ve taken a leading part in the AssociationEditorial Note: Ellen Brown Linscott was a officer in the Chicago branch of the Christian Scientist Association., and before my cases get well, and do not relapse, so I know I heal in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. I advised the students to elect some one Corrected: someone else, but one of them said to me privately, “Miss Brown you are the only one who can stand it”. I am going to write something for the next paper. Many thanks for you and I hop Corrected: hope you always will count me your dear, I would rather be your dear than any one Corrected: anyone I know. Please excuse this hasty note.

Dearest won’t you please write to Alice Poole? I am disappointed in Mrs. Coleman too much talk, and too little work – Don’t please tell any one Corrected: anyone I say so.

Your loving student
E. Brown
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This telegram is not extant. This letter is not extant. The cause of Christian Science Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Ellen Brown Linscott was a officer in the Chicago branch of the Christian Scientist Association. Christian Science