Accession: 163A.27.005
Editorial Title: Ellen Brown Linscott to Mary Baker Eddy, March 6, 1884
Author: Ellen Brown Linscott 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: March 6, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Ellen Brown Linscott on lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
Editorial Note: Linscott tells Mary Baker Eddy that she received a letter from Caroline D. Noyes, in which Noyes told her that Eddy sends Linscott her love. Linscott says that there is nothing she prizes more than Eddy's love and confidence. She says that Eddy called Linscott to her room one night last summer at midnight and found Eddy pale and wan from hours of suffering. Eddy took Linscott by the hand and asked her to promise that she would always love Eddy. Linscott promised then, and assures Eddy now that she has always kept that promise. She hopes that Eddy will find time to write her a letter. Linscott also encloses payment for a subscription to The Christian Science Journal.
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