Accession: 163A.27.026
Editorial Title: Ellen Brown Linscott to Mary Baker Eddy, June 18, 1885
Author: Ellen Brown Linscott 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: June 18, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Ellen Brown Linscott on printed stationery from Chicago, Illinois.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsweredAs Written:Ans June 22
Dear Teacher,

We normal students met the other As Written: othr night to consider several important matters, and thought the Public interest and welfare, as well as the interests of the CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. required us to let the public know that all who claimed to teach Mental science were not qualified. So many really good people get taken in by these inefficient and dreadful teachers, but after people pay them money and find they can't do anythingAs Written:any thing, they do not wish to do any more about it. I enclose, a copy of what we thought would be a good notice to have put in the leading papers, for your signature, if you are willing to sign As Written: sighn it. Personally neither of us are for it, but we think the interests of Christian ScienceAs Written:science, as well to protect the people who wish to study, require it. The enclosed article is what gave rise to it. This articleEditorial Note: There was an article in the June 14, 1885, issue of the Chicago Tribune about a woman from Chicago who was believed to have been driven insane by mind cure treatment. It is possible that this is the article and situation referred to. appeared in the TribuneEditorial Note: Chicago Tribune, and is going to be answeredEditorial Note: There was a letter to the editor from “Reliable” in the July 18, 1885, issue of the Chicago Tribune that addressed the topic of who is qualified to practice and teach Christian Science. It’s possible that this is the response Brown was referring to.. Please return the enclosed notice, if you signAs Written:sighn, as soon as possible, I will write you in full soon about some things, Col - S. is not here, nor has not been,

Yours in love
Ellen Brown
1906, Wabash Ave -

P. S. this notice will also advertise your College, and the Normal Course as well,

E B -

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsExpanded:Answered June 22
Dear Teacher,

We normal students met the othr Corrected: other night to consider several important matters, and thought the Public interest and welfare, as well as the interests of the CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. required us to in let the public know that all who claimed to teach Mental science were not qualified. So many really good people get taken in by these inefficient and dreadful teachers, but after people pay them money and find they can't do any thingCorrected:anything, they do not wish to do any more about it. I enclose, a copy of what we thought would be a good notice to have put in the leading papers, for your signature, if you are willing to sighn Corrected: sign it. Personally neither of us are for it, but we think the interests of Christian scienceCorrected:Science, as well to protect the people who wish to study, require it. The enclosed article is what gave rise to it. This articleEditorial Note: There was an article in the June 14, 1885, issue of the Chicago Tribune about a woman from Chicago who was believed to have been driven insane by mind cure treatment. It is possible that this is the article and situation referred to. appeared in the TribuneEditorial Note: Chicago Tribune, and is going to be answeredEditorial Note: There was a letter to the editor from “Reliable” in the July 18, 1885, issue of the Chicago Tribune that addressed the topic of who is qualified to practice and teach Christian Science. It’s possible that this is the response Brown was referring to.. Please return the enclosed notice, if you sighnCorrected:sign, as soon as possible, I will write you in full soon about some things, Col - S. is not here, nor has not been,

Yours in love
Ellen Brown
1906, Wabash Ave -

P. S. this notice will also advertise your College, and the Normal Course as well,

E B -

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The cause of Christian Science. There was an article in the June 14, 1885, issue of the Chicago Tribune about a woman from Chicago who was believed to have been driven insane by mind cure treatment. It is possible that this is the article and situation referred to. Chicago Tribune There was a letter to the editor from “Reliable” in the July 18, 1885, issue of the Chicago Tribune that addressed the topic of who is qualified to practice and teach Christian Science. It’s possible that this is the response Brown was referring to.