Accession: 163A.27.042
Editorial Title: Ellen Brown Linscott to Mary Baker Eddy, March 15, 1886
Author: Ellen Brown Linscott 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: March 15, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Ellen Brown Linscott on her lined printed stationery from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher,

I received the enclosed noteEditorial Note: This note is not extant., posted at Lawrence MassachusettsAs Written:Mass, the other day and think there is some mistake about it, It seems to me it is meantAs Written:ment for someoneAs Written:some one else It was addressed by Mr Frye, who I know makes many mistakes, AnywayAs Written:Any way there is nothing in it that concerns me as I never took a student that could or would go to you, and always urge them to, I know too well how superior your instructions are, There won't be another teacher of C. S.Editorial Note: Christian Science like you for 50 years, if there ever is. I took up teaching as a cross, I would be glad to lay it down if I could, as it is I don't take half the persons who come to me wanting to be taught, This may be wrong but, I am so rushed with patients all the time, and it seems to be very As Written: vry necessary to have good healers in the field, as well as teachers, Four of the leading M, D's of this city advise people to come to me, (not that I need them) and say to some of them if anyone As Written: any one can help you Miss. Brown can, So you see they are becoming interested.

Oh: I must tell you that I have a lady under treatment now who was a patient of Dr. Quimbys' a great many years ago As Written: a go , Also her father was a patient of his. I was so glad to have the opportunity finding out from her something about him. I have your lovely picture in my reception room, (the one sent by Mr H. P. Bailey) and it is so much admired. I said to a lady the other day who had had her head filled (so to speak) by Mrs. Newman, look at that face, and tell me if it is the face of such a person as you have been told Mrs Eddy is. She said; "No indeed, and I am so glad to have seen it."

I received a letter from A, J, Swarts a couple of weeks ago, Of course I have not replied As Written: replyed to it, I was so afraid of falling into some trap, if I did, there are so many laid for me; if you would like to read it I will send it to you.

Please excuse this hasty note - And before closing I will just say; There is but one Normal Student. in Chicago who says to people I can teach you just as much as Mrs. Eddy but it is not Miss. Brown, as all of her students can testify. Everything As Written: Every thing has been done that can be done, seems to me, to get up a quarrel As Written: quarrell between her and Mrs, Eddy., but she trusts such a thing will never occur, Anyway As Written: Any way she does not care to have any more false accusations made against her life & practice,

Affectionately and faithfully
Ellen Brown,
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher,

I received the enclosed noteEditorial Note: This note is not extant., posted at Lawrence MassExpanded:Massachusetts, the other day and think there is some mistake about it, It seems to me it is mentCorrected:meant for some oneCorrected:someone else It was addressed by Mr Frye, who I know makes many mistakes, Any wayCorrected:Anyway there is nothing in it that concerns mye as I never took a student that could or would go to you, and always urge them to, I know too well how superior your instructions are, There won't be another such teacher of C. S.Editorial Note: Christian Science like you for 50 years, if there ever is. I took up teaching as a cross, I would wouldAs Written:would be glad to lay it down if I could, as it is I don't talk take half the persons who come to me wanting to be taught, This may be wrong but, I am so rushed with patients all the time, and it seems to be vry Corrected: very necessary to have good healers in the field, as well as teachers, Four of the leading M, D's of this city advise people to come to me, (not that I need them) and say to some of them if any one Corrected: anyone can help you Miss. Brown can, So you see they are becoming interested.

Oh: I must tell you that I have a lady under treatment now who was a patient of Dr. Quimbys' a great many years a go Corrected: ago , Also her father was a patient of his. I was so glad to have the opportunity finding out from her something about him. I have your lovely picture in my reception room, (the one sent by Mr H. P. Bailey) and it is so much admired. I said to a lady the other day who had had her thoughts fi head filled (so to speak) by Mrs. Newman, look at that face, and tell me if it is the face of such a person as you have been told Mrs Eddy is. She said; "nNo indeed, and I am so glad to have seen it."

I received a letter from A, J, Swarts a couple of weeks ago, Of course I have not replyed Corrected: replied to it, I was so afraid of falling into some trap, if I did, there are so many laid for me; if you would like to read it I will send it to you.

Please excuse this hasty note - And before closing I will just say; There is but one Normal Student. in Chicago who tellssays to people You I can teach you just as much as Mrs. Eddy but it is not Miss. Brown, as all of her students can testify. Every thing Corrected: Everything has been done that can be done, seems to me, to get up a quarrell Corrected: quarrel between her and Mrs, Eddy., but she trusts such a thing will never occur, Any way Corrected: Anyway she does not care to have any more false accusations made against her life & practice,

Affectionately and faithfully
Ellen Brown,
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