Accession: 164AP1.28.002
Editorial Title: John F. Linscott to Mary Baker Eddy, March 27, 1887
Author: John F. Linscott 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: March 27, 1887
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by John F. Linscott on unlined paper from Winona, Minnesota.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Most ReverendAs Written:Reverand Teacher

YoursEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. in alarm came to me here yesterdayAs Written:yestrdy -

No- the powers of darkness have not moved me from the Rock-

I have been here nearly nine weeks and have helped- positively and permanently 60 people. The three men I helped before I came here- (last Oct-) have been growing better and better- They are those of the well-knownAs Written:well known businessmenAs Written:business men- and one of them was abandoned by the M-D- They have been my samples and have honestly given testimony for ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science- Tho they have been boycottedAs Written:boy cotted by all the M-D- in town–

In all my work I have stood square on the Scientific Statement of Being- I recall nothing As Written: nothig else but S. & H-Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and New TestamentAs Written:Testmnt - They are the only books I have in my office- I have worked from 6 in the morning until 11 at night every day since I came here- I have grown stout and happy in the work- I have not seen a wearied hour since I came- Not one of my patients have As Written: hve relapsed. They have all been Generous- I have just entered the first American family and won them all to Science through As Written: thro the demonstration of Science on a blood tumor on the face of five months baby. It has disappeared As Written: disapeard and the M-D- are dumbfounded- All the family have been under treatment- and all healed except As Written: exept the Father who just came- These are influential people and will make a stir among the ranks of the Americans. as the first three. did among the Germans–

So much for my work-

Saturday I go home to do some work there and see Ellen- Shall remain ten days- I have twenty people waiting a chance for treatment- This has been my chance to learn Christian ScienceAs Written:C-S- Experimentally As Written: Experimetaly - S. & HEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy - has been a New Book to me- The Scripture is illuminated- and my heart is full of Love & gratitude to God our Father. that He choose you to reveal this, way in Christ to this age and me. I have never [?] Unclear or illegible  one moment since I came to Ellen– It shut me away from all the disaffected As Written: disafected ones-

I have borne testimony to every class in every lecture- against Mrs Gesterfeldt's moralsAs Written:morles - and her effort to poison me- They all look like a company of schoolchildrenAs Written:school children playing truant and keeping school for themselves. I have helped Mr Day many times- As you say- It is Ambition- Envy- jealousy- pride of Life- spiritual pride- Lust and ignorance of Christian ScienceAs Written:C-S- that leaves an open door for the adversaryAs Written:advesary.

Malice is manifest in all the modes As Written: mods of the darkened students who are first seduced by the more pleasant modes-

I hope I am on the rock- spiritual perception- I feel so clear that all is God Good and His idea- that He is Supreme. The only life Substance IntelligenceAs Written:Intelegence - Mind- That His is the only and Eternal Mind- that He has created all of and in the Mind that is Good- and He is not in His idea- but eternallyAs Written:eternaly with it- that the Manifest universe is His Mind in action- not as material- but spiritual- that every testimony As Written: testimy of sense to the contrary is a lie-

My best work has been done in the declaration that Good was all- and there was no fear of evil.

Thursday 28- I was so driven yesterdayAs Written:yesterdy I could not finish-

Yes- I shall accept As Written: except your kind invitation to come to your next primary. I know its value to me. I could not come to you before for reasons you need not know- The book S- & H.Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy has been my only food in my work here- through As Written: thro it has come gradually As Written: gradualy a higher understand of God Good as all- What is yet to come to me I do not know- I know that no student can sit under your instruction and not have less of self and more of God-

My next two weeks are taken with two courses of lecturesAs Written:lecturs - one in ChicgoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois. and one in PeoriaEditorial Note: Peoria, Illinois- therefore I shall be glad to know when the next class meets, as early as possibleAs Written:possibl.

I am sorry I did not give you rest by writing- but I have been so busy. and I know how valuable your time is.

My ambition is to be right and honest- and follow you in your growing understanding As Written: undestanding of God's As Written: Gods work. I think the "Notes on Genesis" the marvelous revelation on the earth todayAs Written:to day- I am most ready to enter Revelation- but I have been willing As Written: willig to wait-

I hope to move on to St PaulEditorial Note: Saint Paul, Minnesota in May- Whatever I do- or wherever I work. I am anxious As Written: axious to keep on the rock

Theology- Physiology As Written: Physiolgy - Hygiene- and all the sciences falsely so calledI Tim 6:20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: predicated on the belief of matterAs Written:mater - I place in the "Law of Sin & Death"Rom 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. founded on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & EvilGen 2:9 And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. - and our blessed Science in "Law of the Spirit of Life"Rom 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. - I hope I am right. I love you just the same- and your name has been an inspiration during many a treatment–

I believe you- that God revealed this Truth you & S & H-Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy

Your most humble Student
John- F- Linscott
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Most ReverandCorrected:Reverend Teacher

YoursEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. in alarm came to me here yestrdyExpanded:yesterday -

No- the powers of darkness have not moved me from the rRock-

I have been here nearly nine weeks and have helped- positively and permanently 60 people. The three three men I helped before I came here- (last Oct-) have been growing better and better- They are those of the well knownCorrected:well-known business menCorrected:businessmen- and one of them was abandoned by the M-D- They have been my samples and have honestly given testimony for ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science- Tho they have been boy cottedCorrected:boycotted by all the M-D- in town–

In all my work I have stood square on the Scientific Statement of Being- I recall nothig Corrected: nothing else but CS. & H-Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and New TestmntCorrected:Testament - They are the only books I have in my office- I have worked from 6 in the morning until 11 at night every day since I came here- I have grown stout and happy in the work- I have not seen a wearied hour since I came- Not one of my patients hve Corrected: have relapsed. They have all been Generous- I have just entered the first American family and won them all to Science thro Corrected: through the demonstration of Science on it there on a blood tumor on the face of five months baby. It has disapeard Corrected: disappeared and the M-D- are dumbfounded- All the family have been under treatment- and andAs Written:and all healed exept Corrected: except the Father who just came- These are influential people and will make a stir among the ranks of the Americans. as the first three. did among the Germans–

So much for my work-

Saturday I go home to do some work there and see Ellen- Shall remain ten days- I have twenty people waiting a chance for treatment- This has been my chance to learn C-S-Expanded:Christian Science Experimetaly Corrected: Experimentally - S. & HEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy - has been a New Book to me- The Scripture is illuminated- and my heart is full of Love & gratitude to God our Father. that He choose you to reveal this, way in Christ to this age and me. I have never [?] Unclear or illegible  one moment since I came to Ellen– It shut me away from all the disafected Corrected: disaffected ones-

I have borne testimony to every class in inAs Written:in every lecture- against Mrs Gesterfeldt's morlesCorrected:morals - and her effort to poison me- They all look like a company of school childrenCorrected:schoolchildren playing truant and keeping school for themselves. I have helped Mr Day many times- As you say- It is Ambition- Envy- jealousy- pride of Life- spiritual pride- Lust and ignorance of C-S-Expanded:Christian Science that leaves an open door for the advesaryCorrected:adversary.

Malice is manifest in all the mods Corrected: modes of the darkened students who are first seduced by the more pleasant modes-

I hope I am on the rock- spiritual perception- I feel so clear that all is God Good and His idea- that He is Supreme. The only life Substance IntelegenceCorrected:Intelligence - Mind- That His is the only and Eternal Mind- that He has created all of and in the Mind that is Good- and He is not in His idea- but eternalyCorrected:eternally with it- that the Manifest universe is His Mind in action- not as material- but spiritual- that every testimy Corrected: testimony of sense to the contrary is a lie-

My best work has been done in the declaration that Good was all- and there was no fear of evil.

Thursday 28- I was so driven yesterdyExpanded:yesterday I could not finish-

Yes- I shall except Corrected: accept your kind invitation to come to your next primary. I know its value to me. I could not come to you before for reasons you need not know- The book S- & H.Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy has been my only food in my work here- thro Corrected: through it has come gradualy Corrected: gradually a higher understand of God Good as all- What is yet to come to me I do not know- I know that no student can sit under your instruction and not have less of self and more of God-

My next two weeks are taken with two courses of lectursCorrected:lectures - one in ChicgoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois. and one in PeoriaEditorial Note: Peoria, Illinois- therefore I shall be glad to know when the next time class meets, as early as possiblCorrected:possible.

I am sorry I did not give you rest by writing- but I have been so busy. and I know how valuable your time is.

My ambition is to be right and honest- and follow you in your growing undestanding Corrected: understanding of Gods Corrected: God's work. I think the "Notes on Genesis" the marvelous revelation on the earth to dayCorrected:today- I am most ready to enter Revelation- but I have been willig Corrected: willing to wait-

I hope to move on to St PaulEditorial Note: Saint Paul, Minnesota in May- Whatever I do- or wherever I work. I am axious Corrected: anxious to keep on the rock

Theology- Physiolgy Corrected: Physiology - Hygiene- and all the sciences falsely so calledI Tim 6:20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: predicated on the belief of materCorrected:matter - I place in the "Law of Sin & Death"Rom 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. founded on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & EvilGen 2:9 And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. - and our blessed Science in "Law of the Spirit of Life"Rom 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. - I hope I am right. I love you just the same- and your name has been an inspiration during many a treatment–

I believe you- that God revealed this Truth you & S & H-Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy

Your most humble Student
John- F- Linscott
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Shown for development purposes only
This letter is not extant. Christian Science Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Chicago, Illinois Peoria, Illinois Saint Paul, Minnesota Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy