Accession: 183.31.003
Editorial Title: Sue Ella Bradshaw to Mary Baker Eddy, November 18, 1885
Author: Sue Ella Bradshaw 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: November 18, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Sue Ella Bradshaw on embossed lined paper from San Jose, California.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Mrs. Eddy:

I am at home once more after a most pleasant journey across the continent. and just as glad (notwithstanding BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts et ceteraAs Written:&c) as I always have been to get back to this beautiful Santa Clara valley glad to find the April showers and green grass of spring after the blighting frosts of IllinoisAs Written:Ill. It seems here one varied eternal life.

I found awaiting me receipts from the C.S. Association for membership and quarterly dues, but was greatly disappointed at not also finding my Certificate which I supposed would be sent at the same time.

I trust it will be here soon as it is important.

My work has been very successful since leaving the College. so that I have no fear in resuming my place here again.

"What matter if I stand alone amid the eternal ways"? No wind can drive my bark astrayEditorial Note: These sentences are portions of lines from a poem titled “Waiting” by John Burroughs (1837-1921). in the presence of the Helpful OneEditorial Note: God and Just. I watch and listen.

I will be brief this time and hope for a reply at you earliest convenience.-

Most Sincerely Yours
Sue Ella Bradshaw.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Mrs. Eddy:

I am at home once more after a most pleasant journey across the continent. and just as glad (notwithstanding BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts &cExpanded:et cetera) as I always have been to get back to this beautiful Santa Clara valley glad to find the aApril showers and green grass of spring after the blighting frosts of IllExpanded:Illinois. It seems here one varied eternal life.

I found awaiting me receipts from the C.S. Association for membership and quarterly dues, but was greatly disappointed at not also finding my Certificate which I supposed would be sent at the same time.

I trust it will be here soon as it is important.

My work has been very successful since leaving the College. so that I have no fear in resuming my place here again.

"What matter if I stand alone amid the eternal ways"? No wind can drive my bark astrayEditorial Note: These sentences are portions of lines from a poem titled “Waiting” by John Burroughs (1837-1921). in the presence of the Helpful OneEditorial Note: God and Just. I watch and listen.

I will be brief this time and hope for a reply at you earliest convenience.-

Most Sincerely Yours
Sue Ella Bradshaw.
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Boston, Massachusetts These sentences are portions of lines from a poem titled “Waiting” by John Burroughs (1837-1921). God