Accession: 206.34.002
Editorial Title: L. F. Henderson to Mary Baker Eddy, February 16, 1883
Author: L. F. Henderson 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: February 16, 1883
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by L. F. Henderson on lined printed stationery of the Grand Central Hotel and sent from New York, New York.
Editorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy apparently requested Henderson to find out if her book, Science and Health, could be copyrighted in England as well as the United States. He tells her that an additional copyright in England can only be secured if it is done at the same time the work is copyrighted in the United States. However, if Eddy issues a revised edition of Science and Health, that edition can be copyrighted in both countries if done at the same time. He feels that it would be to Eddy's advantage to issue a revised edition before the "gorilla" can issue a new publication. A gorilla appeared in a vision Eddy had on February 7, 1883 (see A10496), and Eddy associated the symbol of the gorilla with Edward J. Arens. It may be that people working with Eddy on the Eddy v. Arens lawsuit were sometimes using "gorilla" as a code word for Arens.
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