Accession: 226.37.005
Editorial Title: Fanny McNeil Potter to Mary Baker Eddy, March 18, 1882
Author: Fanny McNeil Potter 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: March 18, 1882
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Fanny McNeil Potter from Washington, D.C.
Editorial Note: Potter's current thoughts of Eddy are happy, not sad, that Eddy has a dear one to care for her (presumably Asa Gilbert Eddy). She regrets that Eddy was anxious about her and says that God is caring for her. She speaks of seeing friends and being lonely when they are not present. She asks that God will give her true spirituality. Potter's plans are uncertain, and she might soon leave for the West. She gives Eddy advice on finding a situation in which the Eddys can avoid the cares of housekeeping, etc. while they are traveling.
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