Accession: 226.37.011
Editorial Title: Fanny McNeil Potter to Mary Baker Eddy, June 20, 1882
Author: Fanny McNeil Potter 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: June 20, 1882
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Fanny McNeil Potter from Lowell, Massachusetts.
Editorial Note: Potter wonders if Mary Baker Eddy is sick, because Potter has been in Lowell, Massachusetts, for two weeks and has not heard a word from Eddy. She went to Boston the previous day but had no time to see Eddy. She is thinking of seeing a doctor in hopes that he could relieve her throat. Potter supposes that Eddy's "pupil friends" (probably Eldridge J. Smith and Melinda H. Smith) are with Eddy, and she hopes they are being more reasonable than they were in their boarding house. Potter sends much love to Eddy and hopes to hear from her soon.
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