Accession: 226.37.021
Editorial Title: Fanny McNeil Potter to Mary Baker Eddy, June 20, 1884
Author: Fanny McNeil Potter 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: June 20, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Fanny McNeil Potter from Washington, D.C.
Archival Note: This letter includes a newspaper clipping that apparently was enclosed with the letter.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
[*]Editorial Note: The following text is from a newspaper clipping that has been pasted onto the letter.Among the ladies who were presented to Mrs. McElroy at the reception yesterday was Mrs. McNeil Potter, of New Hampshire, who herself presided at the White House many years ago, when a guest of her uncle, the late President Pierce.

“The late rose of Summer”Editorial Note: This is possibly a reference to “The Last Rose of Summer,” written in 1805 by Irish poet, Thomas Moore. is blooming with me I love it because it came from thee. Thanks Dear for the thought of the absent one. I hope you have digested your last letter & I. hope you understand I dare not tell you all fearing you may divulge I had two copies of the Dec number one for each eye. I still read without glasses but please have the separate As Written: seperate number sent me instead of two of one kind. Mr Smith called today Does he add many to your list of subscribersEditorial Note: Subscribers to The Christian Science Journal.? He is looking well but why is he not cured of deafness? I should think those who possess faith & power to cure ought to be healed pardon me my dear & write when you can You ought to see, our Democratic PresidentEditorial Note: The President of the United States in 1884 was Chester Arthur, a Republican. take his chair of office

With love dear one ever
YoursAs Written:Yrs Lovingly
F. McNeil Potter
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
[*]Editorial Note: The following text is from a newspaper clipping that has been pasted onto the letter.Among the ladies who were presented to Mrs. McElroy at the reception yesterday was Mrs. McNeil Potter, of New Hampshire, who herself presided at the White House many years ago, when a guest of her uncle, the late President Pierce.

“The late rose of Summer”Editorial Note: This is possibly a reference to “The Last Rose of Summer,” written in 1805 by Irish poet, Thomas Moore. is blooming with me I love it because it came from thee. Thanks Dear for the thought of the absent one. I hope you have digested your last letter & I. hope you understand I dare not tell you all fearing you may divulge I had two copies of the Dec number one for each eye. I still read without glasses but please have the seperate Corrected: separate number sent me instead of two of one kind. Mr Smith called today Does he add many to your list of subscribersEditorial Note: Subscribers to The Christian Science Journal.? He is looking well but why is he not cured of deafness? I should think those who possess faith & power to cure ought to be healed pardon me my dear & write when you can You ought to see, our Democratic PresidentEditorial Note: The President of the United States in 1884 was Chester Arthur, a Republican. take his chair of office

With love dear one ever
YrsExpanded:Yours Lovingly
F. McNeil Potter
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The following text is from a newspaper clipping that has been pasted onto the letter. This is possibly a reference to “The Last Rose of Summer,” written in 1805 by Irish poet, Thomas Moore. Subscribers to The Christian Science Journal. The President of the United States in 1884 was Chester Arthur, a Republican.