July 19th/84
Thanks for paper, & sermon. I am glad you remain well, & strong enough to accomplish all you did (in your great causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science.) at ChicagoEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy traveled to Chicago, Illinois and taught a class there in May 1884. my “Birth Place” I have the faith dear to think that you could impart to me, & I receive this teaching you desire me to have in much less time than you bestow upon your class. Am I mistaken? Where are you going for vacation? I am better dear one. It is delightful here now, & the sea air is refreshing. Our friends SEditorial Note: Possibly Eldridge J. Smith and Melinda H. Smith. have made a change. I hope they continue Spiritual as usual Write me dear, so I may know where you are. With much love & kiss