Accession: 237AP1.38.022
Editorial Title: Silas J. Sawyer to Mary Baker Eddy, February 25, 1884
Author: Silas J. Sawyer 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: February 25, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Silas J. Sawyer on lined paper from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Editorial Note: Sawyer tells Mary Baker Eddy that he is working to come to the realization that intelligence is real and matter unreal. There had been even more setbacks after the death of Sawyer's patient, Charles Briggs, but there has been progress in healing some of his stubborn cases, and some who have left the study of Christian Science have returned. The Sawyers are rising over the mental malpractice of Edward J. Arens and Richard Kennedy. Sawyer is hoping to teach a class. At present there are only three people interested in studying with him, and one is Julia Brady, whom Eddy refused to teach. Sawyer says he does not like Brady, but he prefers her to Fannie M. Silsbee. Sawyer admits that he is too severe on Silsbee but his criticism of her continues. Silsbee is in Boston studying with Eddy in her class that began on February 25, 1884, and Sawyer hopes that Eddy will influence Silsbee not to return to Milwaukee but find another field in which to practice. Returning to the subject of the class Sawyer is hoping to teach, he asks if Eddy would recommend that he teach a class with less than five people in it? He says that he can teach the class and then those pupils can be taught by Eddy when she personally comes to the area. The Sawyers are also going to be looking for other students to be taught by Eddy when she comes.
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