Accession: 277.41.013
Editorial Title: Jennie B. Fenn to Mary Baker Eddy, August 22, 1886
Author: Jennie B. Fenn 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: August 22, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Jennie B. Fenn on her printed stationery from Omaha, Nebraska.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mrs Eddy

Your kind letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. just received. And finds me "'Well and happy" in my work. I have before this intended replying to your telegram as to Mrs Gesterfeld, but have been so busy with this great work which is largely increasing here in Omaha that I find my time more than occupied.

There are several other thoughts that I should write to you of but as now Mr Fenn intends being in BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts Saturday to be present at opening of class Monday, I have thought that as he understands all I so much wish you to know and if you will kindly see him for a short interview either Saturday or Sunday it can be more readily made plain to you than I can write of it.

Believe me my dear teacher that all is well with me, though trials and vexations do arise here as elsewhereAs Written:else where. they have only served to bring me nearer to God who is Love, Truth, and harmonyAs Written:harmoney.

Lovingly Your Student
Mrs. E. B. Fenn
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mrs Eddy

Your kind letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. just received. And finds me "'Well and happy" in my work. I have before this intended replying to your telegram as to Mrs Gesterfeld, but have been so busy with this great work which is largely increasing here in Omaha that I find my time more than occupied.

There are several other thoughts that I should write to you of but as now Mr Fenn intends being in BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts Saturday to be present at opening of class Monday, I have thought that as he understands all I so much wish you to know and if you will kindly see him for a short interview either Saturday or Sunday it can be more readily made plain to you than I can write of it.

Believe me my dear teacher that all is well with me, though t [?] Unclear or illegible rials and vexations do arise here as else whereCorrected:elsewhere. they have only served to bring me nearer to God who is Love, Truth, and harmoneyCorrected:harmony.

Lovingly Your Student
Mrs. E. B. Fenn
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This letter is not extant. Boston, Massachusetts