Accession: 295.42.001
Editorial Title: Hannah A. Larminie to Mary Baker Eddy, June 8, 1885
Author: Hannah A. Larminie 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: June 8, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Hannah A. Larminie on lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I should have written you ere this, but I have been so overwhelmed with trouble - by the loss of my dear husband, I felt that I could not write to anyone - He lived but two weeks after we left BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts - I little realized when I last saw you that this great sorrow was coming upon me so soon - I was so hopeful that "Christian Science" would cure him, but it was not to be - He would not give up medicine until it was too late - the day before he passed away he told me I might dismiss the Doctor and send for Miss Brown - but it was too late - mortification had then already set in - he passed away so happy and apparently without one thought of death - he said several times - "Oh how glorious" - how wonderful" -

I realized so much the meaning of your teachings - "all is life, there is no death" "Christian Science" has been a great comfort to me in my sorrow - and I hope I shall always be a faithful Student - although my faith has been sorely tried -

Miss Brown has been a very kind friend to me - I see in her a most beautiful, firm, faithful, Christian As Written: christian character - and one worthy of much love -

I was quite pleased a few days age to receive a letter from Mrs. Campbell of New York - she said they had found it rather difficult to introduce, "Christian Science" there - they were so few, among so many - they were not discouraged however - I have done very little in healing - but a great deal of talking - After I get my home all settled, I shall hope to do better -

Trusting that your work is progressing Satisfactorily - I am your faithful Student in the bonds of Christian Science
Hannah A. Larminie
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I should have written you ere this, but I have been so overwhelmed with trouble - by the loss of my dear husband, I felt that I could not write to anyone - He lived but two weeks after we left BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts - I little realized when I last saw you that this great sorrow was coming upon me so soon - I was so hopeful that "Christian Science" would cure him, but it was not to be - He would not give up medicine until it was too late - the day before he passed away he told me I might dismiss the Doctor and send for Miss Brown - but it was too late - mortification had then already set in - he passed away so happy and apparently without one thought of death - he said several times - "Oh how glorious" - how wonderful" -

I realized so much the meaning of your teachings - "all is life, there is no death" "Christian Science" has been a great comfort to me in my sorrow - and I hope I shall always be a faithful Student - although my faith has been sorely tried -

Miss Brown has been a very kind friend to me - I see in her a most beautiful, firm, faithful, christian Corrected: Christian character - and one worthy of much love -

I was quite pleased a few days age to receive a letter from Mrs. Campbell of New York - she said they had found it rather difficult to introduce, "Christian Science" there - they were so few, among so many - they were not discouraged however - I have done very little in healing - but a great deal of talking - After I get my home all settled, I shall hope to do better -

Trusting that your work is progressing Satisfactorily - I am your faithful Student in the bonds of Christian Science
Hannah A. Larminie
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Chicago, Illinois Boston, Massachusetts