Accession: 295.42.008
Editorial Title: Hannah A. Larminie to Mary Baker Eddy, June 8, 1886
Author: Hannah A. Larminie 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: June 8, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Hannah A. Larminie, probably from Chicago, Illinois.
Related Topic: L04479Click link to view L04479 document in new window, L04477Click link to view L04477 document in new window
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My very Dear Teacher

Your very urgent letterEditorial Note: See L04479. reached me yesterday, and I have been thinking the matter over very earnestly– This responsibility I Suppose must be met, and the sooner the better– I have not heard from Mr Clarke (my brother-in-law) yet– and do not know what his decision will be– as soon as I hear from him I will write you again- I wrote him again last night– he is a Presbyterian minister, thoroughly educated– understands GreekHebrew and Latin– good preacher and a splendid teacher– about Sixty years old– well preserved, and of Scotch descentAs Written:decent – therefore a little conservative– He is in Norfolk VirginiaAs Written:Va at present, and it may be several days before I hear from him–

His wife is anxious for him to be a Christian Scientist– so we have him fenced in on all Sides– Will you have a class soon that he could enter– If he concludes to come in the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science- and you think he could fill the place as president– it would please me- and I will help him– I simply mention this, and do not wish to interfere with any of your plans– should I not see about getting a Charter?– please tell me plainly just what must be done– I have two patients (gentlemen) who expect to go to your class in the Autumn– CannotAs Written:Can not go now on account of business– One, thinks of studying for the ministry– It is so difficult to get them to go so far– for their– lessons– I have tried very hard– I will commence a small class of ladies tomorrow– I feel so grateful every day for the privilege As Written: privlege of having been able to learn this great truth– I know I am growing, for I realize it– and this realization can never be spoken– My earnest desire is to grow out of the flesh as soon as possible– How trifling As Written: triffling the world looks to me now- for I have seen beyond it– I hope to spend the rest of my days in this great work– I am right with you in this new undertaking and the "M. S. C" shall be planted here- "and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it"Matt 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

I have written more than As Written: then I intended to, and more than As Written: then necessary–

Yours affectionately
H. A. Larminie
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My very Dear Teacher

Your very urgent letterEditorial Note: See L04479. reached me yesterday, and I have been thinking the matter over very earnestly– This responsibility I Suppose must be met, and the sooner the better– I have not heard from Mr Clarke (my brother-in-law) yet– and do not know what his decision will be– as soon as I hear from him I will write you again- I wrote him again last night– he is a Presbyterian minister, thoroughly educated– understands GreekHebrew and Latin– good preacher and a splendid teacher– about Sixty years old– well preserved, and of Scotch decentCorrected:descent – therefore a little conservative– He is in Norfolk VaExpanded:Virginia at present, and it may be several days before I hear from him–

His wife is anxoious for him to be a Christian Scientist– so we have him fenced in on all Sides– Will you have a class soon that he could enter– If he concludes to come in the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science- and you think he could fill the place as president– it would please me- and I will help him– I simply mention this, and do not wish to interefere with any of your plans– should I not see about getting a Charter?– please tell me plainly just what what must be done– I have two patients (gentlemen) who expect to go to your class in the aAutumn– Can notCorrected:Cannot go now on account of business– One, thinks of studying for the ministry– It is so to difficult to get them to go so far– for their– lessons– I have tried very hard– I will commence a small class of ladies tomorrow– I feel so grateful every day for the privlege Corrected: privilege of having been able to learn this great truth– I know I am growing, for I realize it– and this realization can never be spoken– My earnest desire is to grow out of the flesh as soon as possible– How triffling Corrected: trifling the world looks to me now- for I have seen b [?] Unclear or illegible eyond it– I hope to spend the rest of my days in this great work– I am right with you in this new undertaking and the "M. S. C" shall be planted here- "and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it"Matt 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

I have written more then Corrected: than I intended to, and more then Corrected: than necessary–

Yours affectionately
H. A. Larminie
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See L04479. Christian Science