Accession: 304.43.018
Editorial Title: Caroline D. Noyes to Mary Baker Eddy, July 4, 1885
Author: Caroline D. Noyes 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: July 4, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Caroline D. Noyes on lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Teacher,

I write to tell you of a Student of mine who I want to come to you to study this Fall. and I think she will. although it is a great distance. San Jose. CaliforniaAs Written:Cal I taught her before I went to the Normal Class. but am willing to reinstruct her. and told her I would after I had taken that course. She is a very nice, promising, Young Lady and is all alone there. I feel that she must have the benefit of your instruction. and that she must come to you. From what she writes me I should judge it was a trying place for anyone who was trying to do right as the Malpractitioners seem to be quite plenty out there. and that Mrs Root who was with Mrs Rice in San FranciscoEditorial Note: San Francisco, California. has been to San Jose Lecturing selling her BookEditorial Note: Healing Power of Mind and trying to get a class. she advertised to teach and treat. the Patients for the same price that she would charge for treatment alone, if they would buy her BookEditorial Note: Healing Power of Mind but she was unable to do much in San Jose on account of my Student Miss Bradshaw. who told the people that she was not bona fide that she was not Practicing or Teaching your MethodEditorial Note: Christian Science. Miss Bradshaw was doing nicely she had but just began. but since then she has not done as well. She said she could tell very quickly from hearing her that it was not what she was taught. although my Teaching must have been faulty although it was but two or three months before I took the Normal Course. I know that I could do better now. Miss Bradshaw came to me on her way to San Jose. from PhilidelphiaEditorial Note: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. where she had been spending the Summer and was anxious for the Instruction. I advised her to return to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts but as she had only two weeks anyway even for her Instruction it was out of the question. two weeks and a half was all the time I could keep her. but as she is young. and a good Scholar. she learned readily. I feel the more anxious for her to come to you. as I know that we need good workers on the Pacific Coast, as the Mal-practitioners seem to have got the start of us there. and she has a very Lovely. fine character. She looks and acts like Mrs Crosse,- In sending my first Student to you I am sorry it is not one whom I have taught since my normal course for I am sure that I could do the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science more justice now. It was only under the pressure of circumstances that I taught her. Her uncle whose life I had saved sent her to me-

I mean that all of my Students shall finish up with you and so I am very particular who I teach that they are good. nice. People. My friend Mrs Adams is coming to you this Fall and she tells me she can hardly wait. She and Mrs Webster the Lady where she boards is coming too. My Friend Miss Cole. the Young Lady who called on you with me when you were here. I think she will come to you this Fall. she is much interested and I am urging her too. I am getting along finely with my Patients now. but My Business is not as good as it ought to be for the quality of work that I am doing in fact I may say that it is poor. that and ChemicalizationEditorial Note: "Chemicalization" is a term Mary Baker Eddy used to refer to a temporary stirring up of symptoms or process of "fermentation" as errors of various types are being destroyed. are all that bothers me now. it seems incredible that it should bother when I know there is no Power but God. I want to say to you that it is not in this CityEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois that Shwartz is hurting the cause. he cannot do much hurt here. for we are all here. in order to do anything he and his wife are obliged to go away to other cities. and the People in those places know that Chicago is the headquarters for this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science in the west. and they claiming to come from Chicago Gull the people in that way, they cannot hurt ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science here any to speak of. and our papers here not being read very extensively in those places that does not seem the best way to warn them. Articles in our Journal help of course and something in "Mind and Nature"Editorial Note: This was a periodical being published at the time by the Cosmic Publishing Company in Chicago, Illinois. Its full title was Mind in Nature: A Popular Journal of Psychical, Medical, and Scientific Information. might do well, but I am sorry to say. I am no writer or I would try what I could do - I will send my CertificateEditorial Note: Eddy had sent certificates to her students, but she found that she wanted to make an addition to them so she asked that the ones sent originally be returned. today.

Your Loving Student
Mrs G. P. Noyes.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Teacher,

I write to tell you of a Student of mine who I want to come to you to study this Fall. and I think she will. although it is a great distance. San Jose. CalExpanded:California I taught her before I went to the Normal Class. but am willing to reinstruct her. and told her I would after I had taken that course. She is a very nice, promising, Young Lady and is all alone there. I feel that she must have the benefit of your instruction. and that she must come to you. From what she writes me I should judge it was a trying place for anyone who was trying to do right as the Malpractitioners seem to be quite plenty out there. and that Mrs Root who was with Mrs Rice in San FranciscoEditorial Note: San Francisco, California. has been to San Jose Lecturing selling her BookEditorial Note: Healing Power of Mind and trying to get a class. she advertised to teach and treat. the Patients for the same price that she would charge for treatment alone, if they would buy her BookEditorial Note: Healing Power of Mind but she was unable to do much in San Jose on account of my Student Miss Bradshaw. who told the people that she was not bona fide that she was not Practicing or Teaching your MethodEditorial Note: Christian Science. Miss Bradshaw was doing nicely she had but just began. but since then she has not done as well. She said she could tell very quickly from hearing her that it was not what she was taught. although my Teaching must have been very faulty although it was but two or three months before I took the Normal Course. I know that I could do better now. Miss Bradshaw came to me on her return way to San Jose. from PhilidelphiaEditorial Note: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. where she had been spending the Summer and was anxious for the Instruction. I advised her to return to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts but as she had only two weeks anyway even for her Instruction it was out of the question. two weeks and a half was all the time I could keep her. but as she is young. and a good Scholar. she learned readily. I feel the more anxious for her to come to you. as I know that we need good workers on the Pacific Coast, as the Mal-practitioners seem to have got the start of us there. and she has a very Lovely. fine character. She looks and acts like Mrs Crosse,- In sending my first p Student to you I am sorry it is not one whom I have taught since my normal course for I am sure that I could do the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science more justice now. It was only under the pressure of circumstances that I taught her. Her uncle whose life I had saved sent her to me-

I mean that all of my Students shall finish up with you and so I am very particular who I teach that they are good. nice. People. My friend Mrs Adams is coming to you this Fall and she tells me she can hardly wait. She and Mrs Webster the Lady where she boards is coming too. My Friend Miss Cole. the Young Lady who called on you with me when you were here. I think she will come to you this Fall. she is much interested and I am urging her too. I am getting along finely with my Patients now. but My Business is not as good as it ought to be for the quality of work that I am doing in fact I may say that it is poor. that and ChemicalizationEditorial Note: "Chemicalization" is a term Mary Baker Eddy used to refer to a temporary stirring up of symptoms or process of "fermentation" as errors of various types are being destroyed. are all that bothers me now. it seems incredible that it should bother me in the when I know there is no Power but God. I want to say to you that it is not in this CityEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois that Shwartz is hurting the cause. he cannot do much hurt here. for we are all here. in order to do anything he and his wife are obliged to go away to other cities. and the People in those places know that Chicago is the headquarters for this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science in the west. to and they claiming to come from Chicago Gull the people in that way, they cannot hurt ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science here any to speak of. and our papers here not being read very extensively in those places that does not seem the best way to warn them. Articles in our Journal help of course and something in "Mind and Nature"Editorial Note: This was a periodical being published at the time by the Cosmic Publishing Company in Chicago, Illinois. Its full title was Mind in Nature: A Popular Journal of Psychical, Medical, and Scientific Information. might do well, but I am sorry to say. I am no writer or I would try what I could do - I will send my CertificateEditorial Note: Eddy had sent certificates to her students, but she found that she wanted to make an addition to them so she asked that the ones sent originally be returned. today.

Your Loving Student
Mrs G. P. Noyes.
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Chicago, Illinois San Francisco, California Healing Power of Mind Christian Science Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Boston, Massachusetts Christian Science "Chemicalization" is a term Mary Baker Eddy used to refer to a temporary stirring up of symptoms or process of "fermentation" as errors of various types are being destroyed. Chicago, Illinois Christian Science Christian Science This was a periodical being published at the time by the Cosmic Publishing Company in Chicago, Illinois. Its full title was Mind in Nature: A Popular Journal of Psychical, Medical, and Scientific Information. Eddy had sent certificates to her students, but she found that she wanted to make an addition to them so she asked that the ones sent originally be returned. Healing Power of Mind