Accession: 334A.45.003
Editorial Title: John Wilson & Son to Mary Baker Eddy, March 11, 1882
Author: John Wilson & Son 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: March 11, 1882
Manuscript Description: Handwritten on stationery of John Wilson & Son, University Press, from Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Archival Note: This letter is addressed to Mary Baker Eddy, care of James Ackland, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Editorial Note: John Wilson and Son is replying to a letter they received from Mary Baker Eddy, dated March 8, 1882. Eddy's letter is not extant. They tell Eddy that it will cost $303.16 ($7,648.60 in 2016) to print an edition of 500 copies of her book, Science and Health. They can go to press as soon as they can get paper, which they will order that day. It will be three or four weeks before the new copies are ready. They would like $150 ($3,784.44 in 2016) in advance, with the balance to be paid when the books are done.
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