Accession: 336.45.003
Editorial Title: George B. Wickersham to Mary Baker Eddy, June 17, 1886
Author: George B. Wickersham 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: June 17, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by George B. Wickersham on lined paper from Denver, Colorado. A vertical line is drawn through the center of this document.
Archival Note: This is an incomplete letter. Its last portion was probably torn off to send to The Christian Science Journal for publication, and was printed on page 101 of the July 1886 issue of the Journal. See L07910 for Mary Baker Eddy’s offer to Wickersham to send his account to the Journal.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Teacher

Why do I not hear from you I have written As Written: writen you some two or three letters and have received As Written: recieved no answer as yet I think of you every As Written: evry day and only wish I could see you I have so much I would like to talk with you concerning this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science I am so thankful that I was able to take up the Science at the time I did I feel that I am growing every As Written: evry day in the understanding of Truth As Written: Trewth and can see the great unreality of error I have quite a good practice and have had some splendid demonstrations in the last few As Written: fiew months As Written: month's I feel that I must tell you of one case I was called out of Denver about eighty milesEditorial Note: George B. Wickersham’s account of this case is printed on page 101 of the July 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Teacher

Why do I not hear from you I have writen Corrected: written you some two or three letters and have recieved Corrected: received no answer as yet I think of you evry Corrected: every day and only wish I could see you I have so [?] Unclear or illegible  much I would like to talk with you conscerning this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science I am so thankful that I was able to take up the Science at the time I did I feel that I am growing evry Corrected: every day in the understanding of Trewth Corrected: Truth and can see the great unreality of error I have quite a good practice and have had some splendid de [?] Unclear or illegible  monstrations in the last fiew Corrected: few month's Corrected: months I feael that I must tell you of one case I was called out of Denver about eighty milesEditorial Note: George B. Wickersham’s account of this case is printed on page 101 of the July 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal

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Christian Science George B. Wickersham’s account of this case is printed on page 101 of the July 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal