Accession: 336.45.004
Editorial Title: George B. Wickersham to Mary Baker Eddy, July 7, 1886
Author: George B. Wickersham 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: July 7, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by George B. Wickersham on lined paper from Denver, Colorado.
Archival Note: Brackets are on both sides of the first three lines of text on page 2.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
Related Topic: L07910Click link to view L07910 document in new window, 336.45.003Click link to view 336.45.003 document in new window
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Teacher

Your very kind letterEditorial Note: See L07910. received As Written: recieved and I will answer this evening As Written: evning I know you must be very busy, and have very little time to correspond with students, but I shall always be anxious to hear from you when convenient, if only As Written: onley a few As Written: fiew lines You ask if you should give my account in the last letterEditorial Note: See 336.45.003. George B. Wickersham’s account of this case is printed on page 101 of the July 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal. to the Journal I am perfectly willing that you should. I have had some splendid demonstrations within the past three weeks As Written: weeaks one on a lady physician who has been practicing twenty-two As Written: twenty two years. The demonstration As Written: demonstratin was so quick and satisfactory that I think without a doubt she will come to you to receive As Written: recieve instructions this Fall she thinks it is perfectly wo nderful that she was healed so quickly I have much more I should like to write to you but will not intrude upon your time I want to ask you was Mrs Heathwood in your last Normal Class?-

My Certificate has on the bottom Good for one year"

It was issued April 2ndAs Written:ond> 188 5

I have it framed hanging in my office If you cannot ren ew it must I take it down May God bless you

your obedient Student
G. B. Wickersham
Handshift:Calvin A. Fryerequire everyone As Written: every one who claims to be her studentAs Written:stu to show cred (or class receipt) before you credit their claim
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Teacher

Your very kind letterEditorial Note: See L07910. recieved Corrected: received and I will answer this evning Corrected: evening I know you must be very busy, and have very little time to [?] Unclear or illegible  correspond with students, but I shall always be anxious to hear from you when convenient, if onley Corrected: only a fiew Corrected: few lines You ask ed if you should give my account in the last letterEditorial Note: See 336.45.003. George B. Wickersham’s account of this case is printed on page 101 of the July 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal. to the Journal I am perfectly willing that you should. I have had some splendid demonstrations within the past three weeaks Corrected: weeks one on a lady physician who has been practicing twenty two Corrected: twenty-two years. The demonstratin Corrected: demonstration was so quick and satisfactory that I think without a doubt she will come to you to recieve Corrected: receive instructions this Fall she thinks it is perfectly wou nderful that she was healed so quickly I have much more I should like to write to you but will not intrude upon your time I want to ask you was Mrs Heathwood in your last Normal Class?-

My Certificate has on the bottom Good for one year"

It was is [?] Unclear or illegible  sued April 2ondCorrected:nd> 1886 5

I have it framed hanging in my office If you cannot ren [?] Unclear or illegible  ew it must I take it down May God bless you

your obedient Student
G. B. Wickersham
Handshift:Calvin A. Fryerequire every one Corrected: everyone who claims to be her stuExpanded:student to show cred (or class receipt) before you credit their claim
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See L07910. See 336.45.003. George B. Wickersham’s account of this case is printed on page 101 of the July 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal.