Accession: 341.46.012
Editorial Title: Bicknell Young to Mary Baker Eddy, December 22, 1905
Author: Bicknell Young 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 22, 1905
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Bicknell Young on lined printed stationery. Includes envelope.
Archival Note: The envelope includes a notation in the handwriting of Mary Baker Eddy.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Beloved Leader:

In Great Britain and Ireland and also in Berlin, Germany, the most noticeable As Written: noticable feature at the lectures was the deep interest which the public manifested in hearing of you. You have taught us how to understand and practice As Written: practise the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Gospel of Love, but the whole world is feeling the regenerative and healing influence of your teaching. The attitude of loving interest displayed by the public at the lectures proves that the gratitude and love which Christian Scientists feel towards you is extending over the whole world.

We are just nearing New York and I must post this and desist from the temptation of afflicting you in any way with a long letter. Will you permit me in closing, to thank you once more for all that you have done and are doing for all of us. You have taught us to understand the ever-recurringAs Written:ever recurring Christmas and the never-endingAs Written:never ending new year. Their joys must ever be yours as humanity is surely awakening to an appreciation of all that you have done and are doing in its behalf.

Believe most lovingly and respectfully, your student
Bicknell Young

New Hampshire
DEC 23 1905
Handshift:Mary Baker Eddy
Bicknel Young
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Beloved Leader:

In Great Britain and Ireland and also in Berlin, Germany, the most noticable Corrected: noticeable feature at the lectures was the deep interest which the public manifested in hearing of you. You have taught us how to understand and practise Corrected: practice the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Gospel of [?] Unclear or illegible  Love, but the whole world is feeling the regenerative and healing influence of your teaching. The attitude of loving interest displayed by the public at the lectures proves that the gratitude and love which Christian Scientists feel towards you is extending over the whole world.

We are just nearing New York and I must post this and desist from the temptation of afflicting you in any way with a long letter. Will you permit me in closing, to thank you once more for all that you have done and are doing for all of us. You have taught us to understand the ever recurringCorrected:ever-recurring Christmas and the never endingCorrected:never-ending new year. Their joys must ever be yours as humanity is surely awenakening to an appreciation of all that you have done and are doing in its behalf.

Believe most lovingly and respectfully, your student
Bicknell Young

New Hampshire
DEC 23 1905
Handshift:Mary Baker Eddy [?] Unclear or illegible 
Bicknel Young
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