July 12th 84
A Mrs Newcumb came to me to be healed of what she termed “nervousness”
Though married and a family of several children, she is now unable to go a block from home without her Mother – for fear of having a “bad spell” as she said – Now what I want to ask you – Is not the aid her mother gives her the same as taking medicine – Should she not wait until taught by “Christian Science” to rely what’s As Written: whats on God? Would not allowing her Mother as help hinder her recovery?
I have noticed a lady using a crutch to aid her in reaching a Metaphysician for truths for stiff joint – Effects of belief in Rheumatism
Will she not always have the same affliction as being as she is permitted to use the aid – or medicine?
It seems to me they are using these to help God – same as using glasses – I left mine off before the end of the first week of instruction while in your class in Chicago – I cannot As Written: can not use them any sooner than drugs As Written: druggs , and I read & write and sew without As Written: with out them – There have been many wonderful cures since you were here – I would like to tell you of one though
Dr Avery may have related the conversion of a man from the lowest depths of drunkenness – excessive use of tobacco – disbelief in God or any good -- profane Et ceteraAs Written:&c - While on his wagon As Written: waggon – a black cloud stood before him – perspiration strikes he trembles so he had to hold on his carriage to keep from falling – tears stream from his eyes – the cloud parts and a white one in its place - with a voice (as he says) of God – at the time was drunk – but became sober in a moment went home and said wife - I’ve As Written: Ive seen God and talked with him From that moment has not had the least desire for tobacco or Liquor – goes to church and is “ every whit wholeJohn 7:23 If a man on the sabbath day receive circumcision, that the law of Moses should not be broken; are ye angry at me, because I have made a man every whit whole on the sabbath day? ” looks like what he is a new man – I have had one continual happy experience since you were hereEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy taught a class in Chicago, Illinois in May 1884. – I love “Christian Science”, and you as my dear teacher who helped me out of darkness to a clear understanding –