July 9th 1886– 9.00 P. M
I have met the parties (about whom we conversed) according to agreement made one year ago, and they manifest evident good will to you- Their desire to study with me, they say, is to obtain a certain secret which they believe I possess or can attain– They or she, for their agent this time was a lady, and a talented one– said that they had been informed by a theosophist of high rank, that if I had made the rediscoveryAs Written:re-discovery of the D. Sting and made it on a mathematical base, I was in possession of the coveted knowledge though I might not yet have evolved it–
He directed them to ask me two questions
1st Did you commence on a base taught by anaphorism over 1000 years old–
AnswerAs Written:Ans– yes over 3000 yrs old–
2nd– Will you say whether a given number reveals the aphorism– AnswerAs Written:Ans– 2/3 the sum of all quantity contains it–
They were instructed that if I said over 3000 on the 1st & mentioned thirds in the 2nd, they might conclude I had indeed solved the secret–
I have requested them to leave me to myself until Sept 1st- & they have done so–
Now I believe we could evolve this better, than I could with them, but I will not push the matter to your annoyance– Will you please say? Do you, or will you, pursue this study as they desire, or have someoneAs Written:some one do it for you– and will you allow me to select from your friends, the one best suited, for whoever it is, must be devoted to your interest?
It must be entirely as you feel, for you are not under the slightest obligation to me: and it will not discommode me at all if you do not–
If you desire to investigate please forward check As Written: cheque for 30 days' As Written: days expenses & journey to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts & return and we will talk it & arrange- It may never be written– In your answer, please describe Mrs Plunkett, as I have some idea, she was the agent this time–
Believe me
Dear Madam