Accession: 352.48.012
Editorial Title: Selwin B. Peabody to Mary Baker Eddy, December 7, 1882
Author: Selwin B. Peabody 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 7, 1882
Manuscript Description: Handwritten from Tilton, New Hampshire, by Selwin B. Peabody on printed stationery of Tilton Mills.
Editorial Note: This letter is related to a monument for Mary Baker Eddy's parents, Mark Baker and Abigail Baker, and her husband, Asa Gilbert Eddy, which she ordered to be erected over their graves in Park Cemetery, Tilton, New Hampshire.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I have just received As Written: recd letter from St. Johnsbury Granite Co. in regard to putting in foundation for monumentEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy ordered a monument to her parents, Mark Baker and Abigail Baker, and to her husband, Asa Gilbert Eddy, to be erected over their graves in Park Cemetery, Tilton, New Hampshire.. You represented to them, that you wished it placed in the center of your lot -- When talking with me, you thought you would make your lot square like those of your brothersEditorial Note: Albert Baker and George Sullivan Baker, and sell the remainder. You would then have plenty of room for burial and I think the lot would look better. You know the lot is 36 X 12 ft. Now to put monument in center of that would be something like this [see diagram in original letter] my way would be like this [see diagram in original letter]. Please telegraphEditorial Note: Eddy's telegram to Peabody is not extant. me on receipt of this which way you will have it and I will have the matter attended to at once, so as not to delay this, when they come to put the monument up - as soon as the monument arrives, I will telegraph you, so that you can come up on next train, to see that all is according to contract.

I remain Truly Yours,
S.B. Peabody
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I have just recd Corrected: received letter from St. Johnsbury Granite Co. in regard to putting in foundation for monumentEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy ordered a monument to her parents, Mark Baker and Abigail Baker, and to her husband, Asa Gilbert Eddy, to be erected over their graves in Park Cemetery, Tilton, New Hampshire.. You represented to them, that you wished it placed in the center of your lot -- When talking with me, you thought you would make your lot square like those of your brothersEditorial Note: Albert Baker and George Sullivan Baker, and sell the remainder. You would then have plenty of room for burial and I think the lot would look better. You know the lot is 36 X 12 ft. Now to put monument in center of that would be something like this [see diagram in original letter] my way would be like this [see diagram in original letter]. Please telegraphEditorial Note: Eddy's telegram to Peabody is not extant. me on receipt of this which way you will have it and I will have the matter attended to at once, so as not to delay this, when they come to put the monument up - as soon as the monument arrives, I will telegraph you, so that you can come up on next train, to see that all is according to contract.

I remain Truly Yours,
S.B. Peabody
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Mary Baker Eddy ordered a monument to her parents, Mark Baker and Abigail Baker, and to her husband, Asa Gilbert Eddy, to be erected over their graves in Park Cemetery, Tilton, New Hampshire. Albert Baker and George Sullivan Baker Eddy's telegram to Peabody is not extant.