Accession: 361.48.026
Editorial Title: John M. C. Murphy to Mary Baker Eddy, April 20, 1885
Author: John M. C. Murphy 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: April 20, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by John M. C. Murphy on lined paper from East Boston, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I was very much surprised to have my wife refused Admittance into your classEditorial Note: Records indicate that Eldora E. Murphy was in Mary Baker Eddy’s class that began on April 20, 1885. It is possible that she joined the class on the second day. this morning, after your invitation of a few Sundays ago. I am only too glad to have her go through your class; and she would have done so before, if we could have made it convenient to do so! I did not think it was necessary As Written: nescisary to see you about her joining, as she is my companion, and not slave, to be dictated by me in anything which is for her good. We have know each other for 17 years and never in that space of time has there As Written: their Ever been a wish Expressed on her part that she was not at liberty to carry it out without first getting my permission, there As Written: their has always been a union of Ideas, and harmony prevail with us. and when I read your work on marriage I said Amen! those are my Ideas and I always As Written: alwas have tried to live them.

I called at the college the 11th of this month and informed Mr Frye who is your business correspondent, that my WifeEditorial Note: Eldora E. Murphy would be ready to Enter the class the 20th, I also inquired of him Sunday what time Monday the class commenced and how long was the session. I feel that you misunderstand me, I have never held a thought against her going into your class. she is my companion in all things, in all places and at all times, And I am not her master, to dictate to her, when she can derive so much good, by Entering your class. we will come over tomorrow and see you

I remain
Your Student -
J.M.C. Murphy CS.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I was very much surprised to have my wife refused Admittance into your classEditorial Note: Records indicate that Eldora E. Murphy was in Mary Baker Eddy’s class that began on April 20, 1885. It is possible that she joined the class on the second day. this morning, after your invitation of a few Sundays ago. I am only too glad to have her go through your class; and she would have done so before, if we could have made it convenient to do so! I did not think it was nescisary Corrected: necessary to see you about her joining, as she is my companion, and not slave, to be dictated by me in way anything which is for her good. We have know each other for 17 years and never in that space of time has their Corrected: there Ever been a wish Expressed on her part that she was not at liberty to carry it out without first getting my permission, their Corrected: there has always been a union of Ideas, and harmony prevail with us. and when I read your work on marriage I said Amen! those are my Ideas and I alwas Corrected: always have tried to live them.

I called at the college the 11th of this month and informed Mr Frye who is your business correspondent, that my WifeEditorial Note: Eldora E. Murphy would be ready to Enter the class the 20th, I also inquired of him Sunday what time the Monday the class commenced and how long was the session. I feel that you misunderstand me, I have never held a thought against her going into your class. she is my companion in all things, in all places and at all times, And I am not her master, to dictate to her, when she can derive so much good, by Entering your class. we will come over tomorrow and see you

I remain
Your Student -
J.M.C. Murphy CS.
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East Boston, Massachusetts Records indicate that Eldora E. Murphy was in Mary Baker Eddy’s class that began on April 20, 1885. It is possible that she joined the class on the second day. Eldora E. Murphy