I have been reading your spiritual creation all through and it is glorious. I study some of it every day and know the "first day" all by heart & some of the rest.Editorial Note: Prior to the sixteenth edition of Mary Baker Eddy’s book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, a spiritual exegesis of the creation narrative in the first chapter of Genesis had been located in the book’s chapter titled “Creation.” In preparing the sixteenth edition (published in February 1886), Eddy moved this material to the “Key to the Scriptures” section of the book. Your letter receivedAs Written:rec'd, the one concerning Swartz. Also the letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. from Mr. Frye, Nov. 11- will see Miss Brown about the first letter & try & have something done right away. Will send report at time stated, according to order.
P. S. When are your going to send me your photographEditorial Note: This is likely a reference to the photograph taken of Mary Baker Eddy by W. Shaw Warren, copies of which she shared with a number of her students.? will pay or send one of mine. My aunt would like to enlarge Yours in Crayons