March 27 1884
I am just returned and your letters are handed me by my dear wife – When I see you I can then more fully explain my situation – of the circumstances which have rendered it simply impossible to do what you wish and what I so long to do.
These circumstances are in part a lack of money to do the part required by me – my situation at this present time is such that I could command no money which is necessary for the work.
I am writing this in haste but in few days will write more fully of the condition of things.
I only ask you to believe that we love you Dear Teacher, and hope and pray for the time when we can do that we so desire to do, in taking an active part in the advancement of the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. which is to make Truth Life and Love shine in the dark places of Earth
Enclosed is the letter you wished me to return – EJS
You will pardon this hasty letter Dear Teacher in a short time will write more fully