Accession: 382.50.066
Editorial Title: Melinda H. Smith to Mary Baker Eddy, March 20, 1884
Author: Melinda H. Smith 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: March 20, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Melinda H. Smith from Williamsport, Pennsylvania.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mrs Eddy:

I regret to state to you your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. arrived in my beloved husbands absence, Therefore he will not get it until his return – Please dear, state to the chairman of the Christian Science Association that at this time we have so many bills to meet we cannot now contribute to the purposes stated in his letter. Our matters in the move to TitusvilleEditorial Note: Titusville, Pennsylvania, before and now have kept us very desirous to economize, so as to get debts that have to be met all paid, and our ready means have to go to these things. We are busy striving, and our material acts tell on our spiritual & all must be even; - one must not harm the other, else no one will believe our report of the Good CauseEditorial Note: Christian Science.

I cannot tell when my beloved husband will arrive please God, - and we will expect also soon to Leave here.

We have had a hard struggling cold bitter winter –

In my letter now written a month since I ventured to allude to several parties seeking Light –

God bless and keep you in the hollow of His hand – He will hide me – He will hide me – safely hide me in the hollow of Gods hand.Editorial Note: This is a reference to a hymn by Florence J. Hadley, titled “In the Hollow of His hand.”

Tender love


Mrs. Eldridge J. Smith

My best wishes to your household.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mrs Eddy:

I regret to state to you your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. arrived in my beloved husbands absence, Therefore he will not get it until his return – Please dear, state to the chairman of the Christian Science Association that at this time we have so many bills to meet we cannot now contribute to the purposes stated in his letter. Our matters in the move to TitusvilleEditorial Note: Titusville, Pennsylvania, before and now have kept us very desirous to economize, so as to get debts that have to be met all paid, and our ready means have to go to these things. We are busy striving, and our material acts tell on our spiritual & all must be even; - one must not harm the other, else no one will believe our report of the Good CauseEditorial Note: Christian Science.

I cannot tell when my beloved husband will arrive please God, - and we will expect also soon to Leave here.

We have had a hard struggling cold bitter winter –

In my letter now written a month since I ventured to allude to several parties seeking Light –

God bless and keep you in the hollow of His hand – He will hide me – He will hide me – safely hide me in the hollow of Gods hand.Editorial Note: This is a reference to a hymn by Florence J. Hadley, titled “In the Hollow of His hand.”

Tender love


Mrs. Eldridge J. Smith

My best wishes to your household.

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This letter is not extant. Titusville, Pennsylvania Christian Science Eldridge J. Smith This is a reference to a hymn by Florence J. Hadley, titled “In the Hollow of His hand.” Melinda H. Smith