⇉ Handshift:Calvin A. FryeOct 31
⇉ Handshift:Janet T. ColmanI was pleased to receive your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant., and will try and follow the advice As Written: advise you gave me in it.
I have had to put one" out of my class, as he would not do as I wanted him too. I found he was not acting as he should. I don't mean bad but he told things on the street corners that he should have kept to himself, then was not willing to do his own work, but wanted others to do it for him. I did all I could for him then had to stop. I tell you this for I hear that he has said he is going to study with you. I think that there is a moral question with him, and he found it. to much for him to live up to the demands of Christian Science, I have 8 good students, and their highest aim is to go to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts and study with you the first chance that they can get. I am so thankful that they all feel so. They all want to have your picture, and there are others in town who want it also. Mrs Fenn said you were going to have some more taken. Will you please let Dr Frye inform me how much we can get 1 dozenAs Written:doz for, and when we can have them. Please send to Mrs Fenn's address. I expect to go to OmahaEditorial Note: Omaha, Nebraska next week. Mrs Fenn & husband are getting along real well now. I can see just what made the trouble, and told her plainly what it was, and she has gone to work, and she writes me all is well. I am so glad for them. He seems to be a fine man. It would do you good to see how interested the people are here in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, and those that are so, want to see and hear Mrs Eddy. I had 31 persons in to hear me talk on ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. I feel that God has given me something to say for his causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. When my students are told that there is no Christianity to the Science by outsiders, they tell them if you leave out that you have left out the whole of it, for I have taught them nothing else. I was so glad to hear of them telling it in the way they did. My chief end and aim is to start them right, so that you will not have a hard time with them when they go to you, I feel sure that some if not all will go to you sometime or other. The people are so hungry and thirstyPs 107:8 Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! Ps 107:9 For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness. Matt 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. out here for me to talk to them. I expect to get another class here by January. A good many stand ready when I am ready. If I thought it prudent to begin another class now, I could do so. But I have some things I must do. I have been real happy doing my work out here. My husband thought at one time that it had done me no good to go through the Normal Class, but I told him time would showAs Written:shew. If I keep on with teaching out here, I shall have to come once a year, and go through a class with you. I never should feel satisfied without it. My husband writes me he really expects to go into your class next Monday. How long I have waited for him to say he was willing. But I never gave up the hope that he would. I am with good kind people here, who do every thing to make me happy and comfortable I feel that God has caused his face to shine on me.
God bless and keep thee from all evil.
The young man's name whom I put out of class was George A. Billings.