Accession: 481.55.002
Editorial Title: Emma D. Behan to Mary Baker Eddy, June 1, 1886
Author: Emma D. Behan 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: June 1, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Emma D. Behan on lined paper from Lincoln, Nebraska.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Dear Teacher:

It is with much pleasure I write to let you know of my wonderful As Written: wanderful success in Red CloudEditorial Note: Red Cloud, Nebraska O I cannot thank God enough for having As Written: haveing come into the understanding of this great and blessed truthEditorial Note: Christian Science. I feel so perfectly happy in my work and to have them heal so quickly, it is very encouraging to me. Though they call me a Mind Cure, and mesmerist and an imposter because I did not have nothing to show I was a student of yours. I leave in one week for Kansas CityEditorial Note: Kansas City, Missouri where I expect to make my home, and it would help As Written: healp me so much to have a cirtificate to show I was something besides a [?] Unclear or illegible  Mesmeric which I know I am not thank God and you for this Divine teaching, I shall ever try to prove what you have taught me, and worthy of your love which must be great reaching out to so many- I am looking forward to the time when I shall meet you again, and listen to your wonderous As Written: wanderous teachings

believe As Written: beleieve me grateful As Written: greatful for any attention you may feel disposed to give me.

Loving As Written: Loveing yours
Mrs Emma Behan

P. S. I will leave here for OmahaEditorial Note: Omaha, Nebraska Thursday any reply send to Mrs Fenn my sister

E. B.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Dear Teacher:

It is with much pleasure I write to let you know of my wanderful Corrected: wonderful success in Red CloudEditorial Note: Red Cloud, Nebraska O I cannot thank God enough for haveing Corrected: having come into the understanding of this great and blessed truthEditorial Note: Christian Science. I feel so perfectly happy in my work and to have them heal so quickly, it is very encouraging to me. Though they call me a Mind Cure, and mesmerist and an imposter because I did not have nothing to show I was a student of yours. I leave in one week for Kansas CityEditorial Note: Kansas City, Missouri where I expect to make my home, and it would healp Corrected: help me so much to hoave a cirtificate to show I was something besides a [?] Unclear or illegible  Mesmeric which I know I am not thank God and you for this Deivine teaching, I shall ever try to prove what you have taught me, and worthy of your love which must be great reaching out to so many- I am looking forward to the time when I shall meet you again, and listen to your wanderous Corrected: wonderous teachings

beleieve Corrected: believe me greatful Corrected: grateful for any attention you may feel disposed to give me.

Loveing Corrected: Loving yours
Mrs Emma Behan

P. S. I will leave here for OmahaEditorial Note: Omaha, Nebraska Thursday any reply send to Mrs Fenn my sister

E. B.

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Red Cloud, Nebraska Christian Science Omaha, Nebraska Kansas City, Missouri