Accession: 483.55.004
Editorial Title: George H. Bradford to Mary Baker Eddy, January 30, 1885
Author: George H. Bradford 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye  Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: January 30, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by George H. Bradford.
Archival Note: This letter includes notations in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye and Mary Baker Eddy.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeSent Feb 1st ‘85
Handshift:Mary Baker EddySend His. Sketch
Handshift:George H. BradfordMrs M. B. G. Eddy
Dear Madam.

I know your time for reading is limited. Still I venture to ask your acceptance of Mr. Munger’s bookEditorial Note: Theodore Thornton Munger was the author of several religious books. This could be a reference to On the Threshold (1881) or The Freedom of Faith (1883). – for two reasons. He and my pastor Dr Herrick are intimate friends, and you know something of what Dr Herrick is.

Standing in your position, facing the religious beliefs of the day, it would seem advisable for you to know exactly the points of the “new departure” from the old orthodox beliefs in whichAs Written:wh. we were educated – No one has so clearly and lovingly stated this as Munger. The advance from Munger’ positions to those of Christian Science is not so abrupt and startling, as from the Old theology to the new – so called – (it is not new – but old as the first gospel.)

Many conscientious minds cannot accept the modern interpretations – To such the broader truths of Christian ScienceAs Written:Ch. Sc. are closed – and must remain closed – viewed with suspicion – (In our own family we have a painful experience of this – where we hoped for great results the way seems barred – and as Mrs. Woodbury says, we can only wait.)

Could such once be brought to see that some of the most earnest and spiritual teachers in their own religious denomination had been forced to replace a rigid interpretation of tenets with grander and deeper significance, the step onward to Christian ScienceAs Written:Ch. Sc. would be an easy one.

Then for the other reason I will only say read almost anywhere, for two minutes – (I turn the page down at 306) You will go on – and I must believe will be almost startled to see how nearly this orthodox pulpit of today is teaching some of your doctrines – and thus you will not wonder that I wanted you to know of it.

Please. Dear Madam. not to spend any of your time replying to this. By and by, perhaps a word through Mrs. Woodbury, will be all I want.

With Kindest regards
Very truly Yours
G. H. Bradford.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeSent Feb 1st ‘85
Handshift:Mary Baker EddySend His. Sketch
Handshift:George H. BradfordMrs M. B. G. Eddy
Dear Madam.

I know your time for reading is limited. Still I venture to ask your acceptance of Mr. Munger’s bookEditorial Note: Theodore Thornton Munger was the author of several religious books. This could be a reference to On the Threshold (1881) or The Freedom of Faith (1883). – for two reasons. He and my pastor Dr Herrick are intimate friends, and you know something of what Dr Herrick is.

Standing in your position, facing the religious beliefs of the day, it would seem advisable for you to know exactly the points of the “new departure” from the old orthodox beliefs in wh.Expanded:which we were educated – No one has so clearly and lovingly stated this as Munger. The advance from Munger’ positions to those of Christian Science is not so abrupt and startling, as from the Old theology to the new – so called – (it is not new – but old as the first gospel.)

Many conscientious minds cannot accept the modern interpretations – To such the broader truths of Ch. Sc.Expanded:Christian Science are closed – and must remain closed – viewed with suspicion – (In our own family we have a painful experience of this – where we hoped for great results the way seems barred – and as Mrs. Woodbury says, we can only wait.)

Could such once be brought to see that some of the most earnest and spiritual teachers in their own religious denomination had been forced to replace a rigid interpretation of tenets with grander and deeper significance, the step onward to Ch. Sc.Expanded:Christian Science would be an easy one.

Then for the other reason I will only say read almost anywhere, for two minutes – (I turn the page down at 306) You will go on – and I must believe will be almost startled to see how nearly this orthodox pulpit of today is teaching some of your doctrines – and thus you will not wonder that I wanted you to know of it.

Please. Dear Madam. not to spend any of your time replying to this. By and by, perhaps a word through Mrs. Woodbury, will be all I want.

With Kindest regards
Very truly Yours
G. H. Bradford.
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Theodore Thornton Munger was the author of several religious books. This could be a reference to On the Threshold (1881) or The Freedom of Faith (1883).