AnsweredAs Written:Ans Aug 19
⇉ Handshift:Emma T. CoxChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois 8-11-/85
At the request of Mrs. Philbrick, I write to tell you a little of myselfAs Written:my self though you may remember me, as I saw you several times when you were here, and spent one evening with you in company with Mr. Morrill and daughter.
At that time it was impossible for me to attend your course of lectures, and it is equally as impossible now, as far as money is concerned. but Mrs. P. has encouraged me to write -
I have nothing of my own I have been doing some good work with this ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science which the FatherEditorial Note: God has helped you to place before the world. as Mr. Wickersham Mr. Morrill, Mrs. P. and others in the profession can testify - I have given much as it seemed to me I was led among a class who had not the wherewithal to give I studied with Mr. Morrill, found him a most excellent Teacher. & have practiced As Written: practised nearly two years steadily growing in strength and understanding - but I want to hear from your own lips, to feel surer of the Truth, and I want to come to you, Can I?
I have not a cent and cannotAs Written:can not even say I will pay sometime but if the Father wills it so, you shall have your pay -
I have a widowed mother under my care. I have left all for this as I thought it was here I could do more good and serve God better than anywhereAs Written:any where else or ever before in my life - for this end I have worked earnestly and faithfully
Hoping to receive a favorable reply soon-
My address is 163 State St - Room 43 -
IllinoisAs Written:Ills -