Accession: 488.55.006
Editorial Title: Henrietta E. Day to Mary Baker Eddy, June 6, 1881
Author: Henrietta E. Day 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: June 6, 1881
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Henrietta E. Day on lined paper from Boston, Massachusetts.
Editorial Note: Day writes to ask whether Eddy intends to form another class and requests some details about the class. She describes her interest in perusing a small part of one of Eddy's books. She finds the ideas to be so new and challenging to preconceived beliefs that she needs to study a small part at a time. She also mentions that she finds her study of Eddy's writing to be a great ancillary to understanding the Bible. Day hopes to meet Eddy sometime, even travel to Lynn to see her, and asks specifically if she could meet with her for ten minutes as there are many statements about which she would like to speak to her. Below her signature, she indicates that she is a niece of Theodore D. Weld, an American abolitionist.
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