Accession: 489.55.003
Editorial Title: Caroline A. Fifield to Mary Baker Eddy, February 23, 1882
Author: Caroline A. Fifield 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: February 23, 1882
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Caroline A. Fifield on lined paper from Salem, Massachusetts.
Editorial Note: Fifield begins by begging Mary Baker Eddy's pardon for not writing before, but she has been very busy. She tells Eddy that she is happy to hear of the interest in Truth that Eddy is finding in Washington, D.C. and that she hopes it will continue and that Eddy will reap the reward of her labors. She supposes that Eddy has begun lecturing in Washington and feels the lectures will be appreciated. Fifield then informs Eddy of situations with some of Fifield's patients. Next Fifield speaks of Eddy's canary, "Benny," whom she is apparently caring for while Eddy is away, and his interaction with other birds in the Fifield household. Caroline M. Poor recently came to visit Fifield and she reports that they passed the day discussing Christian Science ideas to gain a deeper comprehension. She says that Christian Scientists do enjoy such days so much. Fifield is thinking of starting an evening meeting. She feels that Lucinda M. Reeves is making good progress and that Reeves seemed to her to be so earnest and honest. Fifield asks Eddy to remember her to Reeves. She sends her best to Eddy and to Asa Gilbert Eddy and asks that Eddy think of her as being able to do all that her Master (Jesus Christ) may call on her to do.
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