Accession: 502.56.001
Editorial Title: Martha Perkins to Mary Baker Eddy, November 29, 1881
Author: Martha Perkins 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: November 29, 1881
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Martha Perkins on lined paper from Essex, Massachusetts.
Editorial Note: Perkins writes that she has received Eddy's letter (not extant). She is very glad that Eddy wrote because Perkins did not believe she would. In her letter, Eddy had said that Perkins would "waken" from her current illness, and Perkins hopes it will be soon. She is suffering from pneumonia and experiencing pain in her right lung and a hard cough. Perkins mentions that Miranda R. Rice has cured her of it before, but Perkins is unable to reach Rice now. She asks Eddy to heal her, as she has tried herself and been unsuccessful. She believes she will die if something is not done quickly. Perkins writes that she is struggling with a great fear of pneumonia, ever since having chronic pneumonia several years ago. Perkins also mentions that she was planning to go to Boston and hear Eddy speak during the winter. She wants to know who is currently in charge of the Church of Christ (Scientist) and hopes it still exists. Perkins never sees anyone who understands Christian Science, and she only knows what she heard from Miranda R. Rice. She hopes that Christian Science is progressing and wishes she could understand it better. Perkins expresses a desire to study with Eddy if she had the wealth to do so. She keeps studying Eddy's books, but she has had many illnesses to contend with, including a curved spine that she hopes will be healed sometime. She closes by affirming her conviction that Eddy will help her, so she will have faith.
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