Accession: 503.56.015
Editorial Title: E. A. Orne to Mary Baker Eddy, July 2, 1879
Author: E. A. Orne 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: July 2, 1879
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by E. A. Orne on lined paper from Boston, Massachusetts.
Editorial Note: Orne is replying to a letter from Mary Baker Eddy that is not extant. He tells her that his friends give him no encouragement regarding Christian Science and he says that he does not know how to talk to them about it without hurting their feelings or making them laugh. When he speaks "pure Science" to them it does not seem to benefit them. His mother does not seem to be getting better and she sometimes says she is no better. She sometimes says she would like to see Eddy. Orne says that he has been of the "doubting kind" almost all his life and has trouble thinking that mesmerists are working on him. Since he has had catarrh, he has not felt like studying and is having trouble remembering things. Nonetheless, he thinks he is becoming more settled and established in the Truth and wants to show to the world the truth of Christian Science. He is sorry he rejected Eddy's offering of the position of Secretary, but he has been somewhat afraid to take on work in Christian Science. He says he is losing that fear and hopes it will be completely gone soon.
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