Accession: 505.56.019
Editorial Title: Julia Anderson Root to Mary Baker Eddy, April 17, 1884
Author: Julia Anderson Root 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: April 17, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Julia Anderson Root from San Francisco, California.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I feel it my duty to write you for two reasons first to say that Mrs M R Rice and her little poodle dog of a husbandEditorial Note: Charles A. Rice are here in San Francisco. I was in Vallejo last Winter and she was there practicing Metaphysics and I studied with her or tried to but she muddled me all up so I did not know anything As Written:any thing till I sent and got your books, Science and healthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy., and then I saw my way clear and found joy unspeakable in its perusal and then I came to San Francisco As Written: Frisco to practice

She came down to visit and I invited her to stay in my rooms and help me introduce it. And the way she did it was setting herself as the leading Spirit of the work and gave me no chance whatever but told people that she had no doubt but that in time I might make a healer when at the same time She treated a patient she would come and whisper to me to take them up with her and also take you up that you could not hinder her from of healing for she said she felt your influence and it darkened her and she knew you were As Written: wer exercising a power over her to darken her. At first I did not know but it was so and still I could not understand how a woman who pretended to be such a Christian and doing God’s As Written: Gods work could be hindered by an Erring designing woman as she represented you. And she said that for the last 12 years she has held you up and that she was at the head & front in getting the bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. up that all looked strange to me. that a work like that which could not have been brought to light only through divine As Written: devine Inspiration and that an ignorant woman like her could help in any way So I Said to her I cannot As Written:can not see how a woman who could have such glorious thoughts and wisdom could be malicious and jealous as you say. It would take a boundless pile of paper to tell all she had said about it. but she was to stay here 10 days and there 2 weeks then three weeks. and all the time taking my businessEditorial Note: Root’s business as a Christian Science healer. right out of my hands and half the money. And I out working up the business not knowing what she was doing to undermine me

So I told her when the 3 weeks were As Written: wer up that I had made different arrangement and I must be alone in my parlors And so she flew up mad and started out and called on all the patients and told them that she would finish treating them at their As Written: there homes (and we had a Class almost finished and the night before she left here she told them that she took a higher position about a year ago. And had to break with youEditorial Note: Miranda R. Rice was part of the Lynn Rebellion of 1881. in order to do that. And that she had had great revelations since then and all her revelations came out of you booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures that any body can see.

And I told her if I was in her place I would never tell anybody As Written: any body again that you could not stand up without her aid for I was sure they would know she hid after reading your workEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy..

Now she had to send Lockwood and Brooks to get the booksEditorial Note: Copies of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. for the Class and said she knew you would not let her have them if you knew they were for her. Now I don’t As Written: dont want her to be able to get them. and if you can give me the right to see them here I will take it for the State and and as many more States as you are a mind. for I am going to make a business of teaching. and healing. and have nothing Else to do. So I wish you would answer this as soon as received and obliged one who wants to see the right reign.

She has grabbed Every cent she could get at any cost and that poodle of hersEditorial Note: Charles A. Rice around As Written: arround doing nothing and telling people that he is rich and don’t As Written: dont want her to do this work when he won’t As Written: wont pay out a cent and makes her pay everything.

So She took herself around As Written: arround to Each one of the Class – and told them she would finish teaching them there for they had not paid all their tuition fees and she will take it all, she says it is no sin to break any of the laws of Mortals So if she steals As Written: Steels it is all right so long as no one knows it. and she can purr around As Written: arround and make them think she is a Saint.

I see through her so clearly now that I don’t As Written: dont think a worse hypocrite As Written: hippocite lives: (forgive me for taking up your time by so long a letter but I think in some way she ought to be stopped.

Your Respectfully As Written: Respey
J. A. Root
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I feel it my duty to write you for two reasons first to say that Mrs M R Rice and her little poodle dog of a husbandEditorial Note: Charles A. Rice are here in San Francisco. I was in Vallejo last Winter and she was there practicing Metaphysics and I studied with her or tried to but she muddled me all up so I did not know any thingCorrected: anything till I sent and got your books, Science and healthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy., and then I saw my way clear and found joy unspeakable in its perusal and then I came to San Frisco Corrected: Francisco to practice

She came down to visit and I invited her to stay in my rooms and help me introduce it. And the way she did it was setting herself up as the leading Spirit of the work and gave me no chance whatever but told people that she had no doubt but that in time I might make a healer when at the same time She treated a patient she would come and whisper to me to take them up with her and also take you up that you could not hinder her from of healing for she said she felt your influence and it darkened her and she knew you wer Corrected: were exercising a power over her to darken her. At first I did not know but it was so and still I could not understand how a woman who pretended to be such a Christian and doing Gods Corrected: God’s work could be hindered by an Erring designing woman as she represented you. And she said that for the last 12 years she has held you up and that she was at the head & front in getting the bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. up that all looked strange to me. that a work like that which could not have been brought to light only through devine Corrected: divine Inspiration and that an ignorant woman like her could help in any way So I Said to her I can notCorrected: cannot see how a woman who could have such glorious thoughts and wisdom could be malicious and jealous as you say. It would take a boundless pile of paper to tell all she had said about it. but she was to stay here 10 days and there 2 weeks then three weeks. and all the time taking my businessEditorial Note: Root’s business as a Christian Science healer. right out of my hands and half the money. And I out working up the business not knowing what she was doing to undermine me

So I told her when the 3 weeks wer Corrected: were up that I had made different arrangement and I must be alone in my parlors And so she flew up mad and started out and called on all the patients and told them that she would finish treating them at there Corrected: their homes (and we had a Class almost finished and the night before she left here she told them that she took a higher position about a year ago. And had to break with youEditorial Note: Miranda R. Rice was part of the Lynn Rebellion of 1881. in order to do that. And that she had had great revelations since then and all her revelations came out of you booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures that any body can see.

And I told her if I was in her place I would never tell any body Corrected: anybody again that you could not stand up without her aid for I was sure they would know she hid after reading your workEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy..

Now she had to send Lockwood and Brooks to get the booksEditorial Note: Copies of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. for the Class and said she knew you would not let her have them if he you knew they were for her. Now I dont Corrected: don’t want her to be able to get them. and if you can give me the right to see them here I will take it for the State and and as many more States as you are a mind. for I am going to make a business of teaching. and healing. and have nothing Else to do. So I wish you would answer this as soon as received and obliged one who wants to see the right reign.

She has grabbed Every cent she could get at any cost and that poodle of hersEditorial Note: Charles A. Rice arround Corrected: around doing nothing and telling people that he is rich and dont Corrected: don’t want her to do this work when he wont Corrected: won’t pay out a cent and makes her pay everything.

So She took herself arround Corrected: around to Each one of the Class – and told them she would finish teaching them there for they had not paid all their tuition fees and she will take it all, she says it is no sin to break any of the laws of Mortals So if she Steels Corrected: steals it is all right so long as no one knows it. and she can purr arround Corrected: around and make them think she is a Saint.

I see through her so clearly now that I dont Corrected: don’t think a worse hippocite Corrected: hypocrite lives: (forgive me for taking up your time by so long a letter but I think in some way she ought to be stopped.

Your Respey Expanded: Respectfully
J. A. Root
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Charles A. Rice Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Root’s business as a Christian Science healer. Miranda R. Rice was part of the Lynn Rebellion of 1881. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Copies of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Charles A. Rice