Accession: 506.56.011
Editorial Title: Fannie M. Silsbee to Mary Baker Eddy, January 6, 1884
Author: Fannie M. Silsbee 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: January 6, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Fannie M. Silsbee on embossed lined paper from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Editorial Note: Silsbee writes to Mary Baker Eddy about Mary Hill. Silsbee has been teaching Hill Christian Science and wants to know if she will be better able to teach Hill after Silsbee has taken class instruction with Eddy. If not, she asks if Hill should go to Boston to be taught by Eddy and would Eddy be willing to teach Hill for less than her usual fee as Hill is short on funds. Silsbee also says that Mattie Williams is planning to go to Boston to study with Eddy at the same time as Silsbee. Silsbee also refers to Mary D. Fuller, a patient of Silsbee, who has not yet fully recovered. Silsbee wants to know if it would be advisable for Fuller to take class instruction in Christian Science before she is completely cured. Silsbee ends the letter by saying that her patients are doing well and that she likes her work as a healer more each day. She hopes that Eddy will write to her soon. A notation on the letter indicates that it was answered on January 19, 1884.
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