7. 8th /84
One of my patients that has been healed through me wishes to study Christian Science with you, & enter your next class, providing she can make arrangements to do so. She is a good heart truthful girl, one who responded to the touch of Truth readily. She was out of health for two years or unable to earn anything As Written: any thing for that time. I have told her that I would wait one year for what she owes me that she might add that toward her tuition what she wishes me to ask is not for a reduction in your terms, but to let her pay $200.00Editorial Note: $200 in 1884 is the equivalent of $5,537.79 in 2017. down and the other hundredEditorial Note: $100 in 1884 is the equivalent of $2,768.90 in 2017. as soon as she can earn it.
Now there is another who has been healed through me, who is poor but good and will have to borrow the money who wishes to study with you in your next class, and read that you made a reduction to indigents and wanted me to ask if you would make a reduction for her, & how much.
The first one is named Carrie Graham, the second Mrs Mary E. Smith.
I think to send or be the means of sending two & perhaps more to you some gentlemen I guess.
I do not work my way out as I ought yet, but am trying to do the best.
I hope to have good news to write you every time a line goes from me to you, for my Dear I think you need & deserve the very best encouragement. I am now healing four patients from New York City, one gentleman & wife when healed will Study with you. the lady is something such a person as Mrs Sherman the peace maker wherever she is. So you see that step by step the way is being paved to my going to New York City
I have refunded the amount to Dr Sawyer that he paid me. and am now saving means preparatory to going to New York. I receivedAs Written:rec’d a paper from home this week with Mr Slades sermon on Metaphysics. I am disappointed in him. I have not shown anyone As Written: any one the paper. and send it to you so that you may see the general outline of thought advanced. When I read it wished I could preach. but don’t As Written: dont think that is my mission, and I want to practice what I preach.